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Artigo na publicação The American Organist - Março de 2006

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The American Organist – March 2006


On November 5, 2005, Historic Tour 52, consisting of organists, flute player, soloists, reader, and traveling companions, met in Newark, N.J., before boarding a Portugal Air Lines plane for Lisbon. Led by Marilyn Mason, we were off for ten days of work and fun. Invited to Lisbon by Cardinal Polycarpo, we were the only American delegation asked to perform during the World Council for the New Evangelization sponsored by the Catholic Church in Europe. We were housed in the Seminário dos Olivais. Married couples had to sleep in separate single cells, giving us a taste of monastic life. While the Duo Pneuma (Marilyn Mason and Donald Fishel) were performing Greg Hamilton's multimedia work, "The Breath of the Spirit," in one church, and others were engaged in street theater productions, we organists were playing recitals in other churches. We did this throughout the week. We .Played some interesting instruments some dating back to the 1700's. None of the organs were in tune, and we had to deal with dead notes and other problems. We were told that there were no organ builders or organ repairmen in Portugal. But people loved the music we made, and we played to full churches. My favorite instrument was the 18-stop organ at the Calcada de Santana Church, with two manuals and short pedalboard. The original date is unknown, but it was restored by Barlolomeo Formemtelli of Pedemonte, Verona, in 1968. Another interesting organ was at Estrada de Benfica Church, built in 1887 by A. J. Claro of Braga. This was also a freestanding organ, with single manual with divided trompette. We also played at Fatima, where the tracker organ was located near the altar in the outdoor chapel, covered only by a roof.
On the final night of the festival, a huge procession was formed, with a crucifer carrying a huge crucifix, followed by a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, then the clergy, nuns, and finally the people, thousands of them, carrying candles and singing a simple Ave Maria over and over. When the procession reached the cathedral and when the church was full, the overflow crowd covered the entire cathedral plaza. It was a most impressive sight.
The following day, our group traveled by coach to the seaside resort town of Estoril, where we were booked into the Hotel Lido, directly across from the summer palace of the last king of Portugal. We spent the final days just enjoying Portugal and being tourists. Pictured is Don Baber practicing for a recital at the organ in Calcada de Santana Church.

Don Barber, cago

Este artigo é um escândalo e a "argolada" indicia ser do Patriacado de Lisboa que não soube ou não quis recomendar aos americanos quais os órgãos que deveriam visitar e tocar...

Francisco Falcão