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USS Pillsbury DER-133

Welcome to the Pillsbury Forum. Let us hear what you have to say. I know it has been 50+ years but let read your memories.

Mike Fivekiller Lambert

Re: USS Pillsbury DER-133

I came aboard in March '57 and was detached in late April '58. I looked it up to make sure, I thought it was longer than that. That was a very busy one year, we went to Europe, St Johns and a few other interesting places! As I remember I left from the Boston Navy Yard while the Pill was in drydock.

Remember the time we all got flu shots, half the crew one day and the other half the next day, and the whole crew was sick? As I remember the only people excused from watches were those with temps below 100*! That was one big mess. It was even worse than being seasick for me. I never took another flu shot after that until a couple of years ago.

I didn't know that the Pill was decommissioned in '60, not long after I left. She wasn't in commission very long and I was lucky to be there at the right time.

Those were great times except for the rough weather, but we were young, what the heck!

Re: USS Pillsbury DER-133

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