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Current Status of The Journal of Volunteer Administration (JOVA)

Dr. Dale Safrit recently e-mailed the Editorial Review Board of The Journal of Volunteer Administration (JOVA) giving us an update on the Journal. He granted permission to me to communicate some of the particulars. 
  With the recent announcements concerning AVA, and the sudden death of our dear friend, colleague and JOVA Editor, Mary Merrill, I wanted to update you on the status of The Journal of Volunteer Administration (JOVA).  
  Following Mary's unexpected passing, I was contacted on February 22 by Paige Tucker and Victoria McDonald from AVA and asked if I would assume the Editorship of The JOVA. I consulted with my Department Head at NC State, Dr. Marshall Stewart, who was very supportive of me assuming that role. Thus, I accepted the role on the same date, and received an email the following day from Ellen Didimamoff, AVA President, thanking me for doing so.  
  I had just received an email from Mary on the day before her death (Saturday, February 19.) In that email, she shared with me that in light of the Board's decision to dissolve AVA as of April 22, she had begun investigating transferring The JOVA to another non-profit organization (i.e., 501c3 organization) that would serve as its new "home." According to the pro bono attorneys for AVA, The JOVA could be transferred legally to another "like organization" (i.e. another 501(c)3). This transfer concept had been approved by the AVA Board and Acting Executive Director, with advice from the organization's pro bono attorneys.  
  While in Ohio for Mary's funeral, I learned that she had been engaged in preliminary conversations with Dr. Ryan Schmiesing (our JOVA editorial reviewer colleague and a faculty member at The Ohio State University) to possibly transfer The JOVA to the University. However, upon consulting with Ryan following the funeral, I learned that the proposed transition to OSU was only in its very initial discussions. With the advent of Mary's death, OSU has decided (understandably) not to pursue the opportunity. Thus, I returned to Raleigh not quite certain just what would happen with The JOVA, but more determined than ever to keep it in publication as a service and resource to our profession, and as a tribute to Mary.  
  In the past week, I have worked closely with Dr. Stewart to develop a concept paper based upon an initial document that Ryan had developed for use at OSU. Basically, it proposes to move The JOVA to The Department of 4-H Youth Development at NC State University. I appreciate Dr. Stewart's willingness to work with me on this possibility, his support of me as his faculty member, and his recognition of the critical importance of The JOVA to our profession.  
R. Dale Safrit, Ed.D. 
Associate Professor & Extension Specialist 
4-H Continuing Professional Education (CPE) 
Department of 4-H Youth Development 
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences 
North Carolina State University 
NCSU Campus Box 7606, 512 Brickhaven Road 
Raleigh, NC, 27695-7606 USA 
Tel. (919) 513-0306 FAX (919) 515-7812 
 Currently NCSU's legal counsel is reviewing the proposal. Further announcements will follow as plans proceed. 
Georgean C. Johnson-Coffey, M. Ed 
JOVA, Editorial Review Board 
Principal, Blue Vision Training 
PO Box 15118 
Fort Wayne IN 46885-5118 USA 
PH: 260.338.1414 
FX: 260.338.1707