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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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update on Carolyn, Tara, and now little Eliana

Please continue to pray for these. First, Carolyn, it seems is the only one with a good update. She had her surgery Wednesday, and doctors dont' think the cancer was in her lymph nodes. So, she may not have to do chemo.
Now, Eliana is about 4. She is Tara's niece. She has chronic pulmonary hypertension. Her lungs are large for her age. Right now she is in the hospital with pneumonia. She needs her oxygen sats to go up. She has an older sister, Eliyah, who is wishing that is was she and not eliana that is sick, and a younger brother, Israel. The brother is staying with his grandma Theresa. This is who I work with, and who is also the mother inlaw of Tara.
Now the good news for tara is she has no masses in her brain. The bad news is that chemo has done all that it can. So, she's been off for 3 weeks now, and she is not elligible for any alternative treatments. So... at 28 and the mother of a 3 year old boy she has 3 or 4 masses in her body. Her liver and I'm not sure where else. She has been home taking care of her home over the past few weeks. Her little boy is also named ethan, like ethan who we pray for. So, all involved in this family that desperately need prayers are Tara, Eliana, TAra's family Jed, and son Ethan, then there is his brother Jake, who is father to Eliana, her mom, Jake's wife is Lyndsi. Right now Lyndsi and Jake are feeling the drain of having to stay in the hospital being separated from their other children and staring at monitors wanting the numbers to rise. Theresa is the mother of Jake and Jed. Her husband is Rick who is a teacher, and she has one more son, Johnny, who is my son's age. 16.
According to the update, I believe Elianna is in the same hospital that my daughter stayed in this past summer when she had apendix out and then abcess.
Anyway, I just ask that you lift this family up as you also lift up baby ethan and carolyn.
Thank you. oh, and if you know my email address and want the links to tara and elianna's web pages I'll give them to you.

Re: update on Carolyn, Tara, and now little Eliana

Father God, thank You for hearing us when we call. Thank You for loving us, and sending Your Son to die for our sins. Thank You for all that You give us each day; things that allow us to "keep on" and things that are just out-and-out blessings. Please be with this family, Lord. So very much sickness and sorrow and pain. Please heal the sick, comfort the family, and give all of them the strength to continue. Lord, we know that the strength is Your's not our own. Please hold them near to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Re: Re: update on Carolyn, Tara, and now little Eliana


Please help this precious family as only you can.