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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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Question Update

I wanted to thank you all again for your kind words. I'm still not 100%, but I'm getting there.

As an update, the friend who upset me so much had a very hard week. I feel so badly for her. She works very hard for our school, while also helping with a family business and her own personal business (plus Girl Scouts and who knows what else!). She's a very busy lady to say the least. She was pretty much "stabbed in the back" by a woman she thought was her friend. It was very public, and very painful for all of us who are aware of the situation. The other woman is a very unhappy, insecure, and (in my opinion) just-plain-mean, individual. (I have never trusted this woman.) Her antics have caused a major upheaval for several people. Why do people think it's okay to just be ugly to others?

Anyway, daily life is always a joy.

Re: Question Update

Too many "soap operas"; too much "news" from the media; too many movies with anger and rudeness -- what else can we expect out of our society? But we usually do see "some recompense" from time to time when it is obvious and hurtful. Praying for your 100% so big, so soon!

Re: Question Update

You know, the best advice my mother ever gave me was once when I was hurt because somebody I thought was my friend did something really mean. She said: "Sometimes you just have to overlook some people."

I've thought about that so often down through the years. Not all people know what's right or wrong (haven't yet been taught). Not all people who know right from wrong choose to do what's right (how sad for them). Other people have problems that may be overwhelming them and are not able to think how their actions may harm others. So we have to give them the benefit of the doubt and keep letting our own lights shine--which I'm sure you do.

Just had to share Mom's advice. It's helped me many times.


Re: Question Update

Thank you both. I'm okay. I just feel badly for my friend. I knew not to trust the other woman, but my friend didn't listen to me. And I like the idea of "just overlook". It sounds like MY mom. Our moms were a lot smarter than we are. Mary, maybe that's why we LOVE it when you're on the board!

Re: Re: Question Update

Wordwoman, I just want you and your friend to know IT WILL BE ALRIGHT! I was done this way by a preacher I trusted and loved for over 13 yrs. I was absolutely devastated by this. God took care of it as He always does. Have you ever heard the old saying, What comes around goes around? HUM?

God Bless you and your friend

Re: Question Update

Blessed Nanny, Sometimes I live in FEAR of "what goes around comes around"! I'm sure I've got some doozies coming my way!

Re: Question Update

Word woman... put your fears to God's rest. What Christ has covered with His blood has been wiped out and forgotten! I know we tremble as the sins we have committed, but our Faith is that God will keep His promises and those things are remembered no more! How wonderful is the love of our Father!

Re: Question Update

YOU ARE AN INSPORATION to many!! Love you sis!
by the way, we didn't get to go to Nashville after all.

Re: Question Update

Thank you Mary.

Like wordwoman I also worry sometimes at the "what goes around, comes around". I have really shamed myself more than once and had to come to the Lord asking what I was thinking that made me do or say this or that.

I certainly don't want any just desserts.

We are admonished to forgive as Christ has forgiven us (keeps me from "keeping score" sometimes)... or wishing that "people get their's" so to speak.

Mercy triumphs over judgement.

If I feel I need address someone about something I try to deal with it and then let bygones be bygones.

If someone just needs prayers, which is most of the time what I think needs to happen, I pray and ask God's blessings for them and myself. I tend to be a little to eager to climb up on my high horse, forgetting how many times I've been bucked off of it!

Re: Question Update

Mary, I live daily in great thankfulness that God forgives. Like anyone else, I have plenty of things for which to be forgiven.

Angie, years ago I heard a lesson where it was suggested that while I couldn't change the person who was "bugging me", I COULD change me. It was suggested that you pray for that person: for good things, for what they needed to help them in whatever way. I've found that it's hard to stay angry with someone for whom you're praying.