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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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Prayers for a fifth-grader

This little girl "L" is really on my heart. She is in my son's class. My husband goes up to the school every Friday and eats lunch with each of our boys (he's such a sweetie!) so he gets to know the kids. He's so gregarious he can get a brick wall to him its life story. Anyway, L has told him that her parents are going through a divorce and the judge has decided neither one of her parents are fit for her to live with so she is staying with her grandmother. I think it has to be pretty bad for the judge to do that.

I remember how tough 5th grade was for me as my parents divorced about that time and it brings me to tears for this little girl. I was in the class for their Valentine's day party and when her dad showed up she got so excited and ran to him to hug him. I didn't know she wasn't living with him at the time.

Please just keep L in your prayers. She has been getting into trouble in school lately and I'm sure it's because of the turmoil at home. Thanks.

Re: Prayers for a fifth-grader

I was in the third grade when my parents divorced. But I really didn't have a BIG problem with it, because Dad had custody, and our mother was a really cruel woman, and Dad was a really great Dad. My trouble then, came on down through the years that was caused by my brother and his lies. I survived, but it was not easy. Yes, I will keep L in my prayers that she will find a really good life, and most of all that God will protect her and lead her as He did me, to know His ways and learn of His Church.

Father of Lights, I send my prayer to You on behalf of L, that You wrap her in Your loving arms, and keep her safe while she can learn to walk in Your light as Your Son walked, in Whose Name this prayer is given.

Re: Prayers for a fifth-grader

I hope things have improved for L. Divorce is never easy, and it's so hard for kids. I pray that the grandmother is very stable and loving. Maybe your husband can invite her to church? It's a place to start; planting seeds is something we can do to help this child.