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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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urgent prayers needed for job, finances, health

Very urgent prayers needed because I lost my job and am facing severe financial and emotional crisis. Please pray I will imediately find a new job with stability, good salary/working conditions, and good medical benefits, so I can support my family& pay all bills without having to receive financial assistance. I will have to return to school for additional training and it will be a challenge with both work and school.May the Lord assist me in this endeavor of finding the right career path and help me succeed in both school, on the job, and in life.Please pray God will heal all emotional & physical problems so I can perform well at work and all daily activities Thank you. Mary

Re: urgent prayers needed for job, finances, health

Father God, thank You for everything in our lives. We know that all things are gifts from You. Please be with Mary as she walks through this dark time. Please guide her in her choices. We pray that You will send her a new job so that she can support herself & family. Help her. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Re: urgent prayers needed for job, finances, health

Mary, my prayers will be with you for wisdom and understing that will give you strength for endurance during this time of crises. Spread your problems before the Lord, God, and allow His Spirit to guide you in accordance with His Word.