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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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Please Pray


Please pray for a brother and sister in Christ, Kerry and Merijean Glavich.

Kerry had a stroke sometime last night that left blood clots in his carotid artery (I believe I've got that right). He only recognizes Merijean and is unable to speak. The dr's will be watching him for the next 48 hours before they decide how to treat him.

I'm especially worried for Merijean who lost her mother last August to cancer nine days after being diagnosed. Merijean's mom was not a christian, so it was especially difficult for her.

I have known them literally all my life. Please pray for their whole family and those who are treating Kerry.


Love, Hugs and Prayers, Angie

Re: Please Pray

Father in heaven: You are holy and full of loving kindness and mercy. We are aware that we live in a world subject to illness, sorrow and abuse. We ask that your healing hand and loving care surround this family and protect this young man and his wife. Give them strength to endure this trial, and accept whatever purpuse might be in store for them. We ask that he be raised up to walk in health if it is according to Thy will. For it is in Your Son that we walk and have our being, and through whom we pray. Amen

Re: Please Pray

They have my prayers.

Re: Please Pray

Angie, how is Marijean and Kerry doing?

Re: Please Pray

God is so good.

Kerry is up and about. He came to see my dad at work on Friday. He is struggling with his words but he is recovering so much better than was expected. He was tired when he saw dad, but he is thankful for all the prayers. He is beginning to regain his strength.

We can't thank all who have been praying for him and his family enough. The Lord has been so very good to us.