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Re: Build Relationship with Children

Build Relationship with Children

Give Children time & attention
Children measure love in term of T-I-M-E. When you spend time with them with attention, they feel loved. It helps to build self esteem of the children. You can play with your children e.g. kicking football, role playing game, playing toys with them together. They will not remember the toys you bought to them when they were young. However, they will remember the important moment with you while you are doing something with them together.

Affirm the child’s good characters and behaviour e.g. responsible, caring, obedient and so on. For instance, a father praised the child’s effort to put the shoes in the shoe rack. He said, “You are very orderly because you tidy up the shoes.”

Before we go to sleep, my husband and I go to the bedside of each child and tell them how important and wonderful they are and affirm their good characters and behaviour. It helps to build the bond with the children and enhance their self-esteem.