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Natural balance shoes

I am having my gelding get Natuarl Balance shoes on because he trips all over himself, I have read about three different ways it can be done 1) alot of toe hanging over 2) just a slite toe hanging over and 3) filing them back, I really like the look of the hoof filed back and have some friends that have their horses done that same way and they really like how their horses perform, I am planning on having my farrier shoe him like that, but I just want some opinions for you all which way do you prefer? I guess there are many ways to do Natural balance shoeing!!

Re: Natural balance shoes

I prefer them filed back also!!! My horse seems to be VERY sound with them that way! Also he never trips over himself, really like them that way for barrel racing!

Re: Natural balance shoes

We have several barrel racing horses and the farrier said to ALWAYS file the toe off, or you will have a crippled horse, we have had them shod that way for several years and have had not one problem!!! Would definaltly file the toes for better performance!!!

Re: Natural balance shoes

I only use them on my barrel horses, and my farrier also said to always file back the toes or you will cripple up a horse! I always have them filed and they run good as gold, and I have had no unsoundness issues since they have been shod that way, hope I helped!

Re: Re: Natural balance shoes

Gonna have to disagree here, just visited several websites that started the whole natural balance shoe. NO, NO, NO, do not file off the toes, if your shoe is properly placed, and the toe is just barely rolled, they will nub off what they dont NEED, but continuous shaving off the toe is going to cripple your horse, look at a diagram of the horses foot, where the coffin bone sits, don't you think he was made with that extra hoof to protect it for a reason? If you shave it off, to make it look "nice" you are going to hurt him in the long run. We do not shave off the toes and also have no lameness, they are barrel and rope horses. Whatever they don't need, they really do work off, just walking around. Your horses may be sound now, with the toes nubbed off, but don't be surprised when they start to show signs of not being sound.

Re: Natural balance shoes

We have had our horses done with them filed off for years! and have had no problems, my vet strongly recommends them to be filed back for barrel racing and no other way! Also I was concerned about the coffin bone and he said that the the toe wall is soooo thick that it does not hurt the horse in any way, shape or form! We have horses in their 20's that run in them that way and have never run or traveled better!!! I would really look ino it if you barrel race alot!

Re: Re: Natural balance shoes

After posting yesterday, I typed in Natural Balance Shoe, in the search engine, the first three hits, all said do not file off the toe. There is also a diagram of where the coffin bone sits, and according to the way I have seen the toe filed, they are touching the coffin bone. Do barrel race a lot, do rope a lot too, but the makers of the shoe, said not to file the toe down...we will name a few names here, Paul Zancanella, Matt Zancanellas, (NFR heeler), is a veterinarian, and says you will cripple them nubbing the toes off, and farriers that are specifically flown down to the AQHA world show, and shoe a lot of the NFR horses, say do not file down the toe...its your horse, but I have never seen a horse ever in nature that has its whole toe ground off, from the coronary band down. It is definately your choice, but I choose to listen the most educated and professional people I have the privelege of knowing.

Re: Re: Re: Natural balance shoes

Unless things have changed in the last 100 years, I don't know of any web site that has ever been under a horse, most vets don't shoe horses either. Check with an experienced "horse shoer" before you start changing your horse's feet. Horses and feet are all different.

Re: Re: Re: Natural balance shoes

But that is also one persons opinion! Look at the diagram again and it says to file it down, it shows a picture, you might not file down as much but you still do! Like I said and others have said I have NEVER had issues with my horses and they are sound and run really well! So you can't tell me it is affecting thier coffin bone!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Natural balance shoes

Not on here to argue, and if that is as much as anyone files down the toes, like on that diagram, then, no I don't see a is barely touched. I am glad to hear your horses are fine, but every improperly set pair of NB shoes that I have seen, there is several INCHES missing from the toe, that is what I am talking about.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Natural balance shoes

I think you are missing the boat. There is a big difference between "filing off the toe" and rounding a toe. Talk to your farier and have him explain it to you. You had mentioned that your horse trips. Well.....this could be a number of things but the last thing in the world I would do is have any part of the toe hanging over the shoe. Make sure your Farier is not making the hoof fit the shoe rather making the shoe fit the hoof. If you are doing any type of event be it barrels or roping you are asking a lot of your horse in a short amount of time. Ask your farier to keep the heel long. That is the biggest mistake (making the heel short). Don't let your farier cut the heel to short because it will make it to where he will trip more often and it will also make your horse get sore in his suspension sp* tendons. I suggest a "rounded toe". Next time you go to a roping look at the guys that have nice horses. Look at the horses feet. Not one of them will have any part of the hoof hanging over the shoe as you had asked in your orig. question. Keep the heel long and round the toe. This will have your horse "breaking over" easier.

Re: Natural balance shoes

just a thought why do we change shoeing when in the past horses did great with regular GOOD shoeing. How much time does a person cut on his run have there ever been studies on this if it does cut time then do it but if there is no proof why do it????

Re: Re: Natural balance shoes

I think you are missing the point at hand. It had nothing to do about horses making quicker runs. It is the fact that his horse is tripping over himself. He was talking about leaving the hoof hang over the shoe (which I feel is a BAD idea).

Re: Re: Re: Re: Natural balance shoes

I also have had my horses natural balance shod for years. You only file off the end of the toe, like cutting your fingernails! My shoer shoes hundreds of rodeo horses, and would never leave the toe hanging over, the point is for quicker, natural break-over! Would you leave a horse's toes long without shoes? As for filing fron the coronary band on down, I have never even heard of someone doing this. I have never had a lame horse and they are used hard for performance. If this cripples them, I am still waiting to see it. Find yourself a GOOD shoer and let him or her do their job.