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help me.

Im 15 and I have been riding horses all my life. I'd say Im really good at it too. I just got into playdays this past year and I ride a horse that was given to me by my dads best friend. He is a Pro. Anyways the horse is 20 and he is a retired barrel horse but he is the fastest horse ever!!!!!
Its kinda hard to beleive. But I was in first in my age group with him and doin good untill last playday. I got him there and he had this huge cut on his foot. I had to put him up and saddle up my 20 year old mare that was in heat. I got 6 whole points that day. Anyways EB the barrel horse is outta commission due to arthritus, old age and heat. I just got a new horse yesterday. He knows the barrel pattern and pole pattern and all the playday stuff. He is a 10 year old gelding that very consistant and hasent been ridden in a year in and half and he is outta shape and 40 pounda over weight. He kinda bucked when I kicked him with my spurs but thats okay I understand. So what should I do to get him back into shape, sound, and where I can feel comfortable to open him up and to run his heart out? Anything else I should do or know.

Re: help me.

Getting together with a horse takes a while, he needs to trust you as need to trust him. When you trust each other the speed will come before you know it! Long trotting him alot will help him to get back into shape, at least 30 minutes a day. Unless you have a lot of heat where you live, then I'd do it in the early morning or evening when it's cooler. You sound like you know what your doing do just do it and in time your two will be winning more points than you imagined!!! A