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How to help keep the right to slaughter horses.

I was just wondering how to help in the campaign to help defeat the bill against the right to slaughter of horses. I love horses dearly and have several but I do think that it is necessary to alow the slaughter to go on. If people think it is so terrible then why don't they try to come up all the hay, feed, facilities, time, and money that it takes to care for all the horses that find there ways to these places for various reasons. I think way to many people are trying to take advantage of the court system to make the world see everything the way they do. If they could just try to open there minds just a little bit they would see it is similiar to us trying to stop them from pulling a carrot out of the ground to eat because it kills the plant. The carrot really only has one use to eat. The horse on the other hand has several. Two very important ones are as using horses and for some people to eat just like that carrot. I am not trying to argue with anyone just to ask those people trying to pass this bill to consider the other side.