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Magnetic wraps????

Wanting to buy a pair of magnetic front shin boots so many on the market do you all have any opinions or some you prefer?????

Re: Magnetic wraps????

I love magnetic products. I was a sceptic when the first came out but my all around horse had navcular pretty good so we were tryin any alternative to pain killers possible. we found that he was less stiff and painful when we started usin magneic ankle wraps. his circulation improved so much. you can really tell the differance when hauling or doing a multi day event. they just seem so much fresher and dont get stoved up like they would otherwise. as far as brand of product there are lots of good ones just do your research! but i highly recommend magnetic products. Good luck and hope they help you as much as they have helped me.

Re: Magnetic wraps????

I use T Mag products. They are great & they work.

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Wanting to buy a pair of magnetic front shin boots so many on the market do you all have any opinions or some you prefer?????