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Sorry, just came across this site and thought I would say hey. I am a student out at MTSU and have attended one of the CR meeting out there. I know this is really sad, but I was looking at Ford for the U.S. Senate race and he seems like a really good guy. I was wondering if there were any others out there that felt the same way?

Re: Ford?

Personally, I think Ford is a great guy. The Republican candidates this go around just don't seem like they have what it takes to address the problems that Tennesseans need answers to. I know that I plan on putting my support behind Ford. Now don’t get me wrong, Corker seems like a good guy, but he just doesn't have the experience that Ford does and he will not win our party's vote because he not as conservative as the other two. And both Hillary and Bryant have lost statewide, either in primary or general. Sorry guys, I just don't see us winning this one with all the stuff going down in DC right now. Plus, Ford seems like he really cares about what is going on. Zac, I am with you on supporting Ford! I think our party needs to realize a good candidate when they see one…

Re: Ford?

Guys I really feel like we are losing sight of why we are Republicans. We do not support Democratic candidates because their platform is one that we strongly disagree with. It is a party where beliefs include strong government control, a lack of morality, "helping" the poor by taking from the upper classes, and disrespect for our troops. As members of the GOP, we encourage business and thrift for prosperity, providing jobs that will really help the lower classes rather than handouts, and building character by fighting for man's independence.
Look at the reality here! We are Republicans because of the platforms which we stand upon. For this reason, we do not support Democrats. Ford is a Democrat and while some may feel he's a "good guy," he is not an advocate for the principles in which we stand. Corker, Bryant, Hilleary, and Moder are all amazing candidates who will put their heart and soul into representing the values of the GOP in Washington. They certainly do have the capability of defeating Ford (someone mentioned indictments in DC for Repubs, but look at Ford's family background as well as the number of exposed corrupt Dems).
I encourage you all to stay true to your roots and remember what made America strong: independence and freedom. I don't want anyone telling me that a government can control things better than I can and that is the underlying principle behind the Left.

Some resources for the Senate Race

Hey guys,

I think this a pretty good resource for keeping up-to-date on the Senate race - LINK.

In particular, check out the unofficial blogs of our outstanding Republican candidates below:
Blogging for Bryant
Conservatives for Corker
The Van Wagon (for Van Hilleary)

All of them are great resources for the state race. Hope this helps!