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test guest book

Can I test the guestbook while the document is still in my computer ie without uploading to my website? Tks

Re: test guest book

make a test page of the page you want to put the guestbook on and then you can see if all works with it on your page and more

then if it is you can set your test page to make it your index.html page which is what your homepage needs to be

But you can login to your bravenet account
click on the guestbook
you will see your guestbook display

click on post and post there and see what it does

You posted elsewhere your guestbook didn't fit on your website or such but you gave us NO link to even look at why to help you with maybe picking a different theme that size of guestbook would be different and might have fit

But a reminder the only thing you would be testing here is if your post goes through and such and if you post then you should see it after you post in your guestbook maintenance area

then if you want to keep your post you can if not and want to delete it then you can in your guestbook maintenance area

Re: test guest book

It does not work with my Firefox 3.07. It works in IE 6 .

I got the guest book position worked out. I posted solution in the thread I started on this topic.