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base narrow canine in puppy

I have a question regarding base narrow canine. I have a puppy buyer who contacted me earlier today saying that her vet had told her that the puppy I sold her has this. The vet is refering her to a "dog dentist" and says that the puppy will need extensive treatment to correct the condition.
I have researched the condition but have not found anything about it in labradors, usually its found in narrow muzzled breeds.

Anyone with experience...what treatment(s) were used? And how successful were they?

Re: base narrow canine in puppy

No experience with it here, but have this link in my faves

Re: base narrow canine in puppy

I haven't had experience with this in my dogs, but learned a good trick for this from a veterinary dentist several years ago *just in case*.

In younger puppies whose lower canine teeth are base-narrow or even when their adult canine teeth are just starting to come in, if you have a tennis ball or medium-sized hard rubber ball (obviously under supervision so the puppy can't chew it apart and ingest pieces) and can encourage them to carry it around as much as possible, the canine teeth will start to grow in/move outward, being pressed that way by the constant pressure of the ball. The idea is similar to a chronic thumb-sucking child who moves his/her front incisors because of that thumb always being in their mouth, only this time you are working to fix a problem rather than creating one. I hope this explanation makes sense.

May be worth a try to avoid expensive and risky orthodontics in someone's beloved pet.

Good luck!

Re: base narrow canine in puppy/puppy buyer help

This puppy was sold as a pet at 4 1/2months old. This puppy buyers vet told her, this condition should have been known by the breeder or my vet. The last vet visit for this puppy was at 13wks. of age for the 3rd puppy booster and rabies vaccine. I always check their mouths before they leave me for a correct bite and molars coming in....this pup has a scissor correct bite.

This puppy buyer **thinks that she should receive a reimbursement for this pup, as she has a condition that was inherited, even though she was sold as a pet.
I have NEVER had this problem in any of my dogs. We all know you can not rule out every problem that could occur.
Any suggestions to this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy/puppy buyer help

If this person wants a "reimbursement" then obviously she does not love this puppy the way it should be loved and cared for. I'd write her a check so fast, and take it to her with my arms reaching for MY puppy at the same time. We've all had mouths go bad for unexplained reasons, you are not Houdini, if that mouth was scissors when it left your house there is no way you are responsible, but I see red flags with this family that will now be looking for any/everything to go wrong with this innocent pup. This puppy could be in a better home and have a better life somewhere else. I would also pass this person's name around to all of my peers.

Re: base narrow canine in puppy

In my book you have two kind of vets. One is trying to help you and the other one is trying to make money of you...

Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy

Very well said, Pia.
I wasted my share of money on vet dentistry until I smartened up

Re: Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy


Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy

I agree 100% with Pia as well with shalane, refund and take your puppy back, then deal with the issue (if there really is one)

Re: Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy

I'm on the same page as everyone else.
Give her a refund, get your baby back and get out of Dodge!

Re: base narrow canine in puppy

By narrow base do you mean parrot mouth?

Re: base narrow canine in puppy

This sounds like a puppy with a bad bite. The lower canines can be sniped off and there is nothing to worry about. When the adult teeth come in, they too can be snipped or removed if the mouth hasn't broadened by then. The dog won't be able to pick up pins but he'll be able to eat, catch a frisbee and chew a bone. Sounds like the vet is another hater of dog breeders needing to pay for his BMW and kids' college tuition.

Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy

No this is not a parrot mouth. When the puppy left me at 4 1/2 months, she had a correct scissor bite. The puppy buyers vet told her that she had base narrow canine. This is where the adult canine teeth can "poke" up into the palette. The bottom jaw structure is more narrow and can cause this condition. After doing a little research and talking to MY vet, I have found that this would be extremely rare in a Lab. One of the vets from my vet office breeds shelties. She said, it is something they do see in narrow muzzled breeds, ie.- shelties, collies, etc. I was also told that it can't be properly diagnosed until the adult teeth are all the way in, unless it is very severe. If you do a google search on this, there is a lot of info. out there.
This puppy was sold as a pet, on limited reg. and intentions to spay. Now buyers vet has been lead her to believe her "puppy" has some horrible health problem, because of the teeth.

Re: Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy

Have you spoken to them about surrendering the puppy back to you for the full purchase price they paid ?
One of two things will happen , they will then suddenly be far too in love with this pup to let go of it , OR they will jump at the opportunity. Let's hope they jump at the money ! Tell them this is what you are willing to do, PERIOD . If they choose surgery it is their bill to pay , and that you do not agree with that decision at all.
This puppy could easily outgrow this. Good Grief it is 4 months old !!

Re: Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy

Was doing a search of the archives on the subject of base narrow canines. Was at the vet for 3rd puppy shots in 16 week old puppy and my vet said puppy is a little base narrow (lower jaw). Of course, this is my pick puppy who had a perfect bite at 8 weeks (and puppy does still does appear to have scissor bite even though she's lost most of the baby bottom incissors but bottom canines are a little narrow). So I'm wondering when the adult bottom incissors start coming in if they'll push the bottom canines out?

Now I know upper and lower can grow at different rate and reading the thread someone mentioned it's not common in Labradors and to wait for adult teeth.

I see this thread is a couple years old. Any new input/experience with base narrow canines? Should I hold out hope that this may correct when adult teeth come in?? I'm inclined to hope and wait.

Re: Re: Re: base narrow canine in puppy

I have a puppy with a base narrow mouth. Lucky for her she is also missing many molars and premolars. Her canines had to be clipped. If it was a puppy I placed I would pay for the dental work up to the cost of the puppy. She also had a normal puppy teeth, and has a sissor bite.