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Chlorine in Kennel area?

I've owned dogs for over 35 years and I heard something from the vets office the other day that made me curious. My vet was talking to another breeder, a Golden breeder in regards to kennel runs and play area. The breeder stated they would buy big buckets of Shock It Granules at Sams to sprinkle down in their runs and play yards. I spoke with this gentleman briefly, he said he takes about 1/2 cup of the 'pool shock' and sprinkles it down and then hoses it. He said he has never had any issues at all with this method, everything smells fresh and clean. He does this once per week. The vet said it was just a higher amount of chlorine and it was fine to do so. He did tell me to get the PLUS so the dogs can get back in the area in 15 minutes. Anyone else use this? I have used bleach for years but this has my curiosity up.

Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

The SHOCK granules are hypochlorite (bleach) and bromine (also a halogen like bleach) and hydantoin. it is cheaper than buying bleach (about 2%). The granules can be persistent and might burn your dog's feet or skin if not completely washed off. You can dissolve in a bucket of water first. I would be remiss if i did not warn you about storage. DO NOT STORE THIS NEAR DRAIN CLEANERS or OTHER CAUSTIC SUBSTANCES. think BOOOOOOOOOOOOM.

If you are trying to remove the smell of urine (uric acid) the bleach is NOT going to work very well. It is not an organic. Bleach, bromine, iodine, all indiscriminant oxidizers only OXIDIZE organics (think carbon based stuff).

MOLD - Yes
your blue pants (yes)
Fecal matter - yes

URIC ACID = no. the bacteria which would help destroy that odor are now gone making it worse over time. And it seeps deep into unsealed concrete.

Use beneficial bacteria - to help remove that smell from concrete or tile grout and so on. If you want more info. let me know.

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

Yes, more info please!!

What type of organic cleaners will do all that bleach does PLUS what it doesn't????

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

THANK YOU. Yes i would love more info.

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

I want more info please

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

Please list beneficial bacteria.


Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

Yes, could you please list the beneficial bacteria here ? I think there a a few of us who would like to know.
Thank you!

Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

Lol. I have never seen so many people this excited over "beneficial bacteria" before! It made me laugh so hard to read these posts because I was getting just as excited as everyone else.

Me too! Me too! List those bacteria please!!!

Re: Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

send me an email. I will explain more about the best way to keep concrete free from urine odors and more.

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

Yes, I've used the pool chlorine. I put it in one of those fertilizer canisters that attached to your hose so it's diluted as it gets sprayed (although it's not the best desolving product I've used). I began using this during a bout with Parvo here a few years ago so I could spray down EVERYTHING in sight. But the beneficial bacteria has my curiosity up too for the kennels and looking forward to more information.

Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

"to help remove that smell from concrete or tile grout and so on."

What about PDZ??

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

I use a tool called the Wysiwash. It has the same pool chlorine folks have been talking about and I never, never have any odors. It is super easy to use I just load a chlorine tupe into the gun that is atteached to my hose and turn on the water. It is EPA approved and the dogs can go back on the surface immediately. Check out for more info.



Re: Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

I too have used this product for several years it...easy to use and safe for my dogs!

Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

Great idea

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

It sounds great but you can't get it in Canada.

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

I use a tool called the Wysiwash. It has the same pool chlorine folks have been talking about and I never, never have any odors. It is super easy to use I just load a chlorine tupe into the gun that is atteached to my hose and turn on the water. It is EPA approved and the dogs can go back on the surface immediately. Check out for more info.



I also have this product, works great when the area requires daily cleanings, easy on the dogs and clothes.
One thing that sold me on it, I have ruined so many sets of clothes with bleach

Re: Re: Chlorine in Kennel area?

I used the Wysiwash after I got some puppies with Parvo, and I was very happy with it. It is easy to use, smells like a pool would smell, and it killed the Parvovirus. I'm not sure about the fabrics not been damaged. It won't give you the white spots, but you can get some fading like you would get in a pool that just got chlorine added.
Anyone with some skills with PVC pipes, can build one. If you can buy it better.