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OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Just did OFA finals..hip and elbow and Penn-hip on one of the gang........with all fees it was 530.00, wondered how that compares to other areas of the Country and Canada........

I live in rural W Maine..........almost a Hill Billie

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

About the same Bev. OFA hips and elbow ex-rays. I'm lower NE, not rural.

These vet's are getting very pricy. The digital machines are much more. I can't imagine what they charge for those. Mine does not have one yet.

Bottom line, a good placement is worth it. A poor one is not.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

At Ohio State Vet Hospital, the cost of OFA hip and elbow is $325 and an additional $275 to also get PennHip.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

no complaints on the $$$ just curious

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

I did Penn Hip approximately 4 years ago. It was $259 package price, and I took 3 extra films for $25 each to send to OFA. OFA was $30 fee I think.

Total $259 Penn
$ 75 Films
$ 30 OFA fee
Bal $364 CND

Re: Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Forgot to add $12 for Postal Services to mail films to OFA.

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Replying to:

I did Penn Hip approximately 4 years ago. It was $259 package price, and I took 3 extra films for $25 each to send to OFA. OFA was $30 fee I think.

Total $259 Penn
$ 75 Films
$ 30 OFA fee
Bal $364 CND

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Just did finals today on my 2 year old boy.
I drive an hour to this vet outside of Gainesville, FL, he is awesome with OFA.

for hips and elbows a whopping $133 - guess I should bring him a cake next time :O)

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Hi Bev, I did a PennHIP and OFA elbow on two girls about 6 months ago; the total cost was about $950.

When you get your PennHIP results, I hope you'll post them on PennHIPLabs. Kate

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Hip and Elbow OFA finals, with anesthesia, DIGITAL submission.........$200.00

My other Vet, same OFA w/anesthesia with me mailing in the x-rays............$250.00

These Vets are in Florida between Orlando and Gainsville..............we have NO exceuses for NOT x-raying here! I mean we have a bargain by any standard.

My only complaint, can't find someone to do finals without anesthesia................I HATE ANESTHESIA!

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Just noted someone wrote OFA fee 30.00, it is now $40 for hips and elbows

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Penn-hip requires anesthesia......

for OFA my Vet will sometimes sedate...only, I agree hate putting the dogs under.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Paid $700 for prelim OFA hips, elbows and hocks. This was with anesthesia and did not include PennHip. Prices here have gone through the roof.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

I recently did hip/elbow OFA digital and paid $232 for everything. This was without sedation. I am in NJ.

Re: Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

I agree with you . Prices around here are through the roof also! I live S. of Philly. A friend of mine has told me about a place in Maryland. I am going to look into it.

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Replying to:

Paid $700 for prelim OFA hips, elbows and hocks. This was with anesthesia and did not include PennHip. Prices here have gone through the roof.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Wow! You guys sure are paying a lot! I live in Virginia Beach, VA I just had OFA hips/elbows and PennHIP done on my German Shepherd 2 weeks ago for $250. My vet does use anesthesia and he also has a digital x-ray machine. I am grateful that I don't have to pay more.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

How does your vet justify a bill of $500-$700 for xrays and an office visit?

My $133 dolalrs includes: sedation by needle, 2 hip shots and 2 elbow shots and office visit. Takes about 2 hours before dog is back in my car.

This is with a new digital machine, they also send off the CD disc to OFA with my check for $40. They pay postage.

Re: Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

I'm moving down too Fla., I just had two done OFA-hips and elbows and it was $537.00 But, I have a excellent vet that does good digital hip x-rays. I'm in Ohio and travel 1 1/2hrs..

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Are any of these clinic prices or all private vets?

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Just called UP and cost there including tax would be around $325 for an adult and $225 for a puppy between 16 and 20 weeks

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

This is a private veterinary clinic. I did, of course, let their office manager and the vet who started the practice know that we are completely unhappy with their charges/fees that have tripled in the past year. And, I have called several vets within the same driving time for prices and success rates on OFA films. I believe the next time we need OFA's and some other procedures, we will be going to a different practice. I'm also considering trying to find one that does PennHip at the same time. Can you do PennHip when you get the final OFAs done or is it better to get them done when you are doing prelims?

Re: Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

I live in south western NH, not too far from Bev. I drove almost 3 hours to a breeder vet in MA. I did Penn Hip and OFA on a bitch. The total cost was around $516. I was very happy with the results, the x rays and the money was well worth it. Yes, i could wish it were cheaper, but at least it wasn't $700.
I have pups that i plan to do prelims on this fall and will this yesr just do Penn Hip and next year OFA finals.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Total for mine are $155.00 each I am in middle of Pa sedation OFA HIPS AND ELBOWS 2 view's and mailing in if you do more than 3 as a litter more discounts. Did 5 in November all at one time within 2 days sent into OFA gave discount to this always helps. My total was very little as to you guys wow. I am so happy with my vets! $775.00 included OFA charges and mailing. They mail the information to OFA not me. All I do is sign the cards they even do them Nice to send along. I hope he stays in as a vet as long as I am breeding!!! The other vets are far more money around here.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Why do some of you feel you need to do both PennHip and OFA? If they "pass" one of them, isn't that good enough?

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

When I called UP, they said that when they do PennHIP they always do a standard OFA view, so the $325 and $225 are for both the PennHIP and the OFA film for you to send in.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

I go to private Animal Hospital for this type of "stuff" most / all other needs are met by my friend and Vet that lives near-by.

I don't do Penn-hip on every dog......have done it prolly 7-8 times in the past 12 yrs, IMHO a Stud Dog with OFA hip/elbow and Penn-hip is very appealing, gives more pieces to the total puzzle / picture?
again, JMHO

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

The lower costs you see can be clinics. The higher ones are private vets not doing a clinc.

If you can find a clinic through your club it's much cheaper.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Yep my vet is a small clinic and he has not had one come back less than with what he says . He even does my offspring that are owned downstate near Allentown and Phila. and Near Buffalo New York they come because the vets are so expensive where they are. It is nice to see them at 2-3 years old all grown up and moving on nicely. Out of the 5 I did he said 3 excellent and the other 2 good and he was correct and elbows clear.He is very fair in pricing and the price with the discount is given he feels they are of mine and he did do them as pups so they get the discounts to.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

My low cost is from a private vet.
With high tech equipment and a great reputation.

I also have buyers drive up to 5 hours to bring the dogs to this vet, for price and for his excellent services.

My low cost does include a 10% discount, but seems even with out it I would be on the winning end.

Re: Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

there where a couple of replies with information of cost which seems very reasonable, but how do I find out where and who these clinics or private vets are?

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Had PennHIP done at UP and you should know that their price includes an OFA hip x-ray for that price.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

My old vet was $286 for digital hips/elbows and sedation. I hear he is alot more now.

The vet I was just recommended is $141 for digial hips/elbows. Sedation is extra if needed. This place is a bit of a drive but even when gas was expensive, it would still be cheaper. And they are very knowledgeable with OFFA!

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

British Columbia Canada - $340.00 for OFA Hips & Elbows with sedation. That is up about $100.00 in the last few years.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

This is a little off topic, would you re-do a 2yr old male's hips 3 months after the OFA rated him Mild HD or would you wait longer?

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

I'm located near Frederick, MD and was quoted $250 for PennHIP and OFA Elbows (she won't do OFA hips for some reason if you do PennHIP) to a whopping $600 for the same at a vet 10 miles away from the original. My vet doesn't do PennHIP but OFA hips/elbows are $250 with anesthesia.

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

I took a lab in for OFA finals on Tuesday right over the bridge in PA... we paid $216 and that INCLUDED the $40 OFA fee

Re: OFA and Penn-hip costs in your area

Western New York = $398.00 for Pre-lims!!! This is getting crazy!