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punctate cataracts

What is the general opinion of punctate cataracts and breeding. I know it is a 'breeder option' per CERF but I don't know much about them, any negatives?

Re: punctate cataracts

from my understanding they are not inheritable and do not impair vision. They do not become worse with age either.

The eye vet told me that they appear in fetal development when the eyes start developing. It's similar to when you have a hand blown glass with a tiny air bubble in it.

It's there but it doesn't affect anything.

Re: Re: punctate cataracts

If it is present at birth, why would it not have been diagnoised on earlier cerf exams?

Re: Re: Re: punctate cataracts

I don't know. This is my experience with my bitch who has them and the vet who has always done all her exams, and this was his explanation to me about how/why. Did you ask yours what the cause was? I'd be interested in hearing another opinion.

Re: Re: Re: Re: punctate cataracts

Punctate cataracts in puppies are usually reminants of blood vessels during prenatal development.

Punctate cataracts that appear later in life can be from an injury.


Re: punctate cataracts

"Punctate" means small; "cataract" is an opacity of the lens.
There can be an assortment of conditions that leave behind or create a "small" "opacity" of the lens... whether it's CERFable depends what the ACVO finds and identifies, the location on the lens, the breed, etc. So in a way "punctate cataract" can be a catch-all term.

Be sure to look and see if the ACVO marked "Normal" for both eyes, and "signficance unknown".
And if not, remember never hurts to get a second opinion.

Re: Re: punctate cataracts

The dog will still be cleared by CERF with punctate cataract. It can be caused by sand in the eye or scratch.

Re: punctate cataracts

If you look on the CERF form under the LENS category, you will see:
anterior cortex
posterior cortex
equatorial cortex
anterior sutures
posterior sutures

and also "generalized"

All of the above except "generalized" can be assigned a size
Diff., Inter. or Punc., which indicates the size of the cataract (Diffuse, Intermediate, Punctate). Generalized basically means the eye looks like a white marble.

Anterior means front of the lens, posterior is back of the lens.

Not all of the above will CERF for the Labrador breed even if it is the smallest size opacity and marked "Punc." (Punctate).
I do know that Punctate Posterior Sutures will pass CERF as long as the ACVO has marked "significance of above punctate cataract unknown" and has marked both eyes NORMAL.
I don't believe Punctate Capsular will CERF nor Anterior Cortex (but someone correct me here if I'm wrong). Any one know which other ones will or won't pass CERF even when a Punctate size (don't believe any Intermediate or Diffuse will pass CERF... but this is just my understanding, so again, someone correct me if I'm wrong).

Here is a copy of a CERF submittal form posted on a Cavalier website for purpose of example:

Re: Re: punctate cataracts

I had a champion dog who didn't pass his ACVO exam at 5 yrs old with punctate cataracts. Previous years he passed. On his exam paper, punctate cataracts.. anterior cortex and posterior. I did get a 2nd opinion but he didn't pass that exam either, unable to get his CERF. Not all punctate cataracts can be CERF'D. Bummer.

Re: punctate cataracts

This will pass a cerf
E1-Lens, punctate cataract *significance unknown"

Re: Re: punctate cataracts

Posterior will not pass . Been there.

Re: punctate cataracts

"Posterior will not pass . "

Just to be clear, you referring to "posterior cortex" as a will not pass?
I know that punctate (size) posterior sutures will pass. Posterior just refers to back of the lens vs anterior being front.

Re: Re: punctate cataracts

Yes Posterior cortex will not pass. Neutered a nice dog over it, will never affect vision, or so I was told.

Re: Re: Re: punctate cataracts

I've had a bitch would passed up until 3. After that her punctate cataracts showed up sometimes and others not. The same bitch had 3 different results from 3 different opthamalogists. When I took her back the next year to 2 of them, they both saw totally different things than they had the year before. The third never saw them at all!!Seems like a field not enough is known about yet.

Re: punctate cataracts

Hello I am in the process of possibly getting a stud dog and wondering if anyone has had a CERF pass a dog with Punc. Anterior Cortex with Significance unknown marked? Never had this before and CERF will not give me an answer, unless I send the original form in which I do NOT have. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.