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Please be nice

I am a frequent flyer of Wiscoy and Woodhaven. Love them both. Is Woodhaven down and please be nice?

Re: Please be nice

I have just been there with no problems

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Replying to:

I am a frequent flyer of Wiscoy and Woodhaven. Love them both. Is Woodhaven down and please be nice?

Re: Please be nice

No, it's not down.

For those getting an error message

It's not down, but apparently there was some sort of an update to either windows or AVG, etc that is not allowing people to access the site. I went through all the security settings and can't find where the root of the problem is.

I did manage to finally get on and for others who still can not this is how I did it. Using Foxfire at the top click on "History" and then on "Show All History". Scroll through until you find a link history with Woodhaven Breeders Forum. Click on that link and it will allow you access in. Weird I know, but it works... , at least for now. Refresh the page and then the password page will come up. After in simply go to the top of the forum page and click on "Home" and you can surf around the site once again.

I wrote Laura on how I managed to do and told her she could pass the info around for those still unable to pull the page up.

Re: For those getting an error message

I do not have foxfire and still ahving problems. Thank youm for contacting Laura and Thnk You Jill ofr your patience. It has been three days and I am loosing it. Thank God for Wiscoy..........

Re: Please be nice

Thanks so much Stacy~~going to history did the trick..And thank you so much Jill for allowing us to have access to your site so we could connect with each other Yea Wiscoy you're the greatest!

Re: Please be nice

Olivia Nankivell
I have just been there with no problems

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Replying to:

I am a frequent flyer of Wiscoy and Woodhaven. Love them both. Is Woodhaven down and please be nice?

After all your recent attacks and nasty remarks about Woodhaven why did you decide to go back there? Did you apologize and make nice after all?