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Have you seen underbites change to the normal as with overbites? Ive had overbites correct themselves, but not sure on underbites??

Re: Underbites

I have had good luck with bites until the last two years and I have had a pup in two litter that had underbites. One I sold and later learned at 10 months it was normal and the other I kept and it went back and forth and now at 11 months it is normal. You must have patience.

Re: Underbites

I have one now.......the bite was way off at 10 months....improved abit but not enough to keep by 18 months.

Placed her as a pet with a no spay contract, AND as her head grew / matured the bite corrected!!

Patience can pay off

Re: Underbites

I haven't seen any that were bad go good but recently I had a bitch I bred go undershot at 6 months old... whether or not it will go back remains to be seen... I sure do hope so for the owners sake as this was a show potential!

Re: Re: Underbites

I had ¨the runt of the litter¨ with a real bad underbite, I kept him as I let my kennel boy have him and one fine day I went past his kennel and stopped dead in my tracks, asling the kennel boy who was that dog! He said Jazz, I said No way!. I went directly for his mouth and checked his bite and to my surprise A PERFECT, I mean PERFECT bite!

Re: Re: Underbites

I just wanted to thank Jill for allowing us the capability to search past threads! I have a lovely 8 week old bitch with an underbite (never had an undershot before, just over) that we were afraid to run on, but this give me hope that with PATIENCE it might work out