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bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

Looking for advice and experience from others who may have seen this situation before.

My bitch (who is 3 years old with OFA hips, elbows, CERF and Optigen of course ) is having a strange cycle.
This is our first attempt at breeding her, so no history as far as progesterone levels, just that she has come into season every 6 months since she was 15 months old.
Her normal season should have begun exactly when it did, 2/14/09.
I had been checking her everyday since we planned to breed her this season.
Everything looked normal and I began testing with Premate on day 7.
It said she was nowhere near ready.
I had dog shows for the next 3 days and therefore tested again when I came home on day 10. Still nowhere near ready.
I decided to bring her into my vets for a progesterone level on day 11. Vet uses Antech.
Results came back at 0.9
Took her back yesterday, day 14.
Results came back 0.7
I also had the vet pull extra blood for me to take home for Premate, same result, not ready.
Ever seen this before?
Vet suggested running a urine sample which I will get in the morning.
Other than that, we are stumped
Could this be a split heat cycle?
Could she just not ovulate and what could be the reason?
This is a new one for me. I've had slow bitches but never one that actually dropped!

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

I've "heard" this can happen, although I have never experienced it myself. It sounds like a split heat to me. Or at least what I've heard happens (as far as test results).

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

I had one that did the same thing. Up, then down, then back up. She ovulated very late in her cycle. She had eight puppies.

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

Really, this just sounds like a late ovulator. It's normal for the very low numbers to fluctuate a bit.

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

Keep testing her every other day until she begins to change colors with Pre Mate and then test her each day until she is ready. This is not a split heat, she's simply going to cycle later. I bred a bitch day 29/30 and had a lovely litter of 10. I also know others that have had the same thing happen with numbers dropping and then rising again.

Good Luck

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

Thank you, I'm feeling better about it now that a few people have said the same thing, that she may just be a slow riser.
I talked to the stud dog owner and I will just keep watching how she goes from here.
I have a few more Premate tests here but I wonder when I should take her back in for numbers?

Re: Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

I've had bitches not ovulate until day 20 or so most between days 12-16. Keep testing :)

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

they can peak suddenly, day 16-18, not unusual at all.

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

"This is not a split heat, she's simply going to cycle later"

Yup. It's not bizarre at all. She's a maiden bitch. Things are different season to season, bitch to bitch and whelping to whelping. She could be bred 10 days later then any of your other girls were. G.L.

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

The progesterone can fluctuate before it starts it's final rise. I had a bitch that I tested six times (at$70 a pop!!) and she ovulated day 25, bred day 27 and we had 8 puppies.

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

Too bad you have hit the weekend. I would wait 3 days before testing again, but that could be pushing it. You might want to test on Saturday. Then I would not test any more frequently than every other day. You can run up a very large bill with a late ovulator.

UPDATE on: bizarre progesterone level

Another progesterone test was run yesterday (Monday) on my girl (day 18) and her level was at 3.5

Should I do another test today (Tues) or wait until tomorrow for results back on Thurs?

Normally I would wait but am a bit worried since she jumped from 0.7 on Thurs to 3.5 on monday

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

Depends how comfortable you are with Pre Mate. I would do a Pre Mate test today and perhaps another Progesterone if you have time. If you're now comfortable wtih it, start testing her every day and you will see her change. When she's clear she's ready so let the stud owner know (if you have stud service) when she's light pink to ship.

If not, I'd probably test her today and tomorrow because it's going to take you into the weekend and if you are going to need stud service, nice to know ahead of time, you may find she's ready sooner.

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

Unfortunately, I ran out of Premate tests on Sunday night

My new kit was back ordered and may not be here until later this week, but that doesn't help me now
I had used more tests than I thought I would on her since she seemed to be stalled for a bit.
Had I known, I would have been more prepared.

I'm waiting for a call back from my vet to see if she thinks we should run another prog. test today.

I'm just afraid if we wait, we won't be able to pin point when she hits 5ng

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

I would run another today because it will probably be 5 or better. If she was 3.5 on Monday she probably had her LH surge on Sunday. Days 4 and 6 post LH would be Thurs and Sat. - days to breed. If she is 5.0 today, then would breed her Thurs and Sat..

We do a smear when we start out with prog. tests, to see if she is cornified.

We have had a bitch be so slow with the numbers rise that she was bred on day 25.

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

If you want to catch that 5.0 you need to do another test today. I have a long list of progesterone tests from a lot of different breedings and they suggest your girl will be at 5.0 today.

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

So did you do the test? What did it say? I'm interested to find out!

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience?

We elected to do a test today, Weds, instead of yesterday.
I will know tomorrow what her level was today and will post

Re: bizarre progesterone levels, any experience? Update

I didn't post results from Weds because my vets office FORGOT to put out the night blood pickup Weds night!
Needless to say, I was bit upset but mistakes happen.
I had decided to drive her to the stud dog for a side by side AI Weds night regardless, and I'm glad I did.
Took her back Thurs for another test (made them promise to send it out this time ) and results came back 20.9 for Thurs, on Fri morning.
I drove back and did another AI Fri night so I am thinking we are covered, I hope
So basically, she went from 3.5 on Monday, to 20.9 on Thurs - I am guessing she ovulated Tues and our Weds and Fri breedings should be good.