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At what age would you start your puppy on a treadmill? Also, how do you start them? None of my older dogs would walk on it, PERIOD. I thought that if I started my pup on it early enough he would get used to it. I just don't want to do it to early and risk any problems. Basically I just need some advice from experienced breeders.

Thanks for any help.

Re: Treadmill

Just one question, Why would you need a treadmill?
Isn't regular outdoor exercise an option

Re: Re: Treadmill

You might want to think about it before saying stuff like this... might be the person is not able to exercize the dog herself, not everyone is able to you know
To the OP, I don't think it is a good idea to put any puppy or dog under 18 months old on a treadmill... as to your older dogs refusing to go on it it does take time and patience to get them used to being on one and constant supervision... however swimming is the very best exercize you can give a dog be it a young or older one.

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Replying to:

Just one question, Why would you need a treadmill?
Isn't regular outdoor exercise an option

Re: Re: Re: Treadmill

I sat mine on it at 4 weeks old. Again that was just sitting on it acouple of times a week, then at around 3-4 mo. I turned it on very slow so he would start walking on it. He never ran on it untill he was well over 18 mo. old. Now he is the only one who I have no problems get to work out on it WHEN ITS TO ICEYYYY OUT to get a good workout in out side.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Treadmill

I use the treadmill when it is too cold (negative temps) or too icy/dangerous for them to exercise outside.

I start the treadmill on low, and walk the dog onto it. My 14-yr old Lab watched the younger dogs and jumped on herself! Easy and a great way to burn energy off the younger dogs.


Re: Treadmill

Responding To:

Just one question, Why would you need a treadmill?
Isn't regular outdoor exercise an option

I don't know if this was meant offensively or not, but that is the way that it came across. Sometimes people on this forum need to apply a filter and just not respond! Apparently you are in an area that is a little warmer than here. How would you like to be a new puppy walking around in a snow storm with temps around 20-25 degrees?

Thanks Jackie, Ted and MK .. like I said in my original post, I just want to make sure that I do not do anything that damages the pup. I just need to be able to get him a little more exercise than he has been getting.... it is so cold for him outside, plus the ground is frozen and is so slick! I have been walking around and around my house with him following, but he is getting a little bored!!! I do think that he would be even more bored on a treadmill (I get bored on a treadmill!!) Again, thanks to those who responded nicely!

Re: Re: Treadmill

I've got a puppy too and the weather here has been horrendous. The yard is solid ice in some spots. Thankfully, there are a few spots that are okay to potty in.
I do leash walk him about five or ten minutes once or twice a day on the sidewalk (no ice) even when it is cold. Keep him moving. If that doesn't help or isn't practical, play fetch inside with him, hide and seek, different games. Put toys in a box and make him rip the box up to get the toy. You'll think of games. He'll tire out soon enough. Spring will be here soon. I hope.

Re: Treadmill

Thanks Anon... We are doing the same here.... our little girl gets tired of following me around (she isn't leashed trained yet) so I get one of the bigger dogs on lead and then the pup will follow us around. I have to be really careful about where the pup is, where my feet are and where my big girl is.... quite the parade. I am so tired of bad weather, if it isn't a wind storm, it's raining and if it isn't raining it's snowing! Bring on Spring!

Re: Re: Treadmill

yup, yup, yup....I hear ya!

"I have to be really careful about where the pup is, where my feet are and where my big girl is.... quite the parade."

Re: Treadmill

I started an older pup - 18 months on a treadmill at a hotel at night with treats. I started the treatmill very slowly and in a few minutes she was going - she loved it. Now the other guests might not like the idea, but the workout room happened to be right next door to my room and viola - she was trotting along happily within minutes. This is a very fearless dog who loves to try new things. My older male loved the treadmill at my friends house...also starting it slowly and encouraging him with voice and treats. They both think the world is their toy.
I just use voice encouragement and treats.
Hope that helps.

Re: Treadmill

Thanks Alexandra! I will wait to start anything until my little girl is older. Right now I just turn it on while I am holding her next to it so she get's used to the sound.... she is pretty fearless as well and I hope that she takes to it when the time is right!