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ph level

would any one know the difference between 5ph balance and a 7ph balance in the urine

Re: ph level


Re: ph level

lolollololololo...thats good

Re: Re: ph level

Sorry i had to make myself laugh, i have no idea on the urine, did you look it up online by googling PH LEVELS IN URINE FOR CANINES, i think i did that once.

Re: Re: Re: ph level

Urine Ph:5 makes the perfect media for bacteria to grow. It can be a sign of bacterial infection. Cranberry juice or pills will make the urine more basic (Higher), and for instance, less likely to grow bacteria on it. Just a home remedy, not a substitute of a urinalysis/culture if symptoms are present, and treatment with AB if needed.

Re: Re: Re: Re: ph level

FYI, pH is based on a logrithmic scale, hence a pH of 7 is not two (2) points higher it is 200 times less acidic. (pH stands for Potential of Hydrogen - which measure the acidity of a solution. A pH of 7 , by the way, is considered neutral; neither acidic or alkaline (basic). pH is measured from 1 = 14

The more H ions - the more acidic - the lower the pH. The more alkaline the solution the higher the pH.

How was your test taken? Temperature is KEY! Air infiltration will affect pH as well. Was the vessel clean?

Let me know if you need help.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ph level

Almost right, Steve. The 5 and 7 stand for powers of 10, so the difference is two orders of magnitude , or 100 times, not 200.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ph level

YES, I saw my mistake as i hit the submit button. You are most correct.

Re: ph level

I test PH at home when necessary (5.5-7 is normal range)

Steve, I am curious - you say temperature is key.

Can you explain that?

Re: Re: ph level

As the sample changes temperature = it can absorb air and reduce pH.

So - take the test the same way every time - control is best

Re: ph level

I did an experiment the last time I took a sample to the vet. I kept some myself to test PH at home and compare the results to the lab. They were the same.

I also tested the sample the next day and got the same reading. Than I refrigerated the sample and tested it the next day and got the same reading.

I was surprised because I expected to see a change.

I also always collect the first urine of the a.m. prior to any food or water and in mid stream.

Re: ph level

""Urine Ph:5 makes the perfect media for bacteria to grow. It can be a sign of bacterial infection. Cranberry juice or pills will make the urine more basic (Higher), and for instance, less likely to grow bacteria on it. ""

PLEASE don't give anymore advice, this is COMPLETELY WRONG!

Re: ph level

Thanks but where all over the Place here. is 5 a normal reading, and if not what do you think can be done to make it normal.


Re: ph level

5.5 - 7 is normal range.

I have no experience with low PH but when elevated a week or 2 of crancaps (2100mg 2x/day) brings PH back to normal range.

I have even had urine test positive for UTI and gotten rid of the infection with crancaps. Urine retested.

Re: ph level

pH5 is a little on the acidic side, you won't have bacteria problems at this pH.

Diets high in meats can help lower the pH making it more acidic.
Diets high in carbohydrates can help raise the pH making it more basic.