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fence fighting

does anyone know a good cure for fence fighting?

Re: fence fighting

A garden hose will make that offender re-think that issue. If that does not work, I have double fencing up inbetween my ex-yards, that will eliminate the problem, leave about 3 feet of space inbetween the fences, I plan trees there , that way they cannot eat the trees too. If you have a dog doing it in a kennel, once that gets started, you may as well place that dog,or he/she will have everyone doing it. It's boredom , plain and simple.

Re: Re: fence fighting


Re: fence fighting

hot wire set about 1 foot of each side of fence works wonders.

Re: Re: fence fighting

Hot wire in some cases can cause a dog to believe that another dog in the same enclosure has bitten it, resulting in a big fight. Use it with caution for such a problem.

Re: Re: fence fighting

The same technique worked for me.

Re: fence fighting

Wood privacy fence. Costly, but eliminated the problem and looks good.

Re: fence fighting

we run multiple dogs together in play areas with hot wire separating from other play areas.
Never had a problem with dog fighting in same pen due to hot wire in 10 years.

Re: fence fighting

This is a big bug-a-boo with me. I solved it by placing the instigator.

Re: fence fighting

Hot wire? That is just wrong! they are not cattle! That is inhumane treatment. I bet some never take the "hot wire" down until a female is ready to pop.
I would never deal with, buy a puppy from, etc. anyone who has HOT WIRE up for their poor dogs.

Re: fence fighting

First of all that's a very narrow minded way of thinking.
Hot wire not only eliminates fence fighting but it eliminates escape attempts. This keeps the dogs safe from injury outside their areas such as getting hit by cars, attacked by wild animals or stolen.
And don't give me that "they must be bored" song and dance just because they like to dig under fencing. Anyone who knows labs knows the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Secondly, I don't know about anyone else, but my puppies have their own play yard (without hot wire) and they are never allowed to run or play in the adult yards. For various reasons.
So your comment about a female being ready to "pop" is absurd.

If you think using hot wire is like having cattle, please, don't buy a puppy from me. I am quite sure you are not the type of buyer I want anyway

Re: Re: fence fighting

and I wouldnt consider buying from you as stated.
If you let your dogs out, have playtime, they do not get bored and sit and yack at one another, when they go back in the kennels, they sleep!!
No wonder they have all the dog laws coming up, if one uses hot wire to fry a dog over something, they would do other inhumane stuff as well.
Id hate to be one of your dogs.
GOD forbid some child would try to pet your dogs, they would get nearly fried as well.

Re: Re: fence fighting

OH and try investing in better kennels, such as magnum- or something they cant get out of instead of being cheap and blasting some dog out of its skin!!

Re: Re: Re: fence fighting

I don't agree with the hot wire! If my dogs are out in the yard, they are supervised by me, so I know exactly what they are up to. If I sell a puppy, I tell all my puppy people to make sure the dog isn't out by itself and they can keep a eye on it at all times. So, maybe you put your dogs out in the hot wire fence, so you can ignore them, instead of keeping a eye on what they are doing? If I can't watch mine, then they don't go out, easy as that. I would think that the power of the hot wire is more then what is recommended for a labrador. How do you train your dogs to respect the hot wire? Just let them get zapped? Even with most electric underground fencing the dogs are taught with colars on . I just don't agree with the hot wire, JMO

Re: fence fighting

Hot wire isn't like a stun gun... It's just uncomfortable to touch. I used to bump into it regularly when I had horses and I'd swear to myself but it sure didn't cause any damage and wasn't dangerous or harmful in any way. I'd rather touch a hot wire than get stung by a bee or sprain my ankle.

Anyway, I was wondering if bark collars would accomplish the same thing?

Re: Re: fence fighting

Yes, bark collars will stop the fence-figth. You just have to get one for every dog.

Re: fence fighting

Your responses show your ignorance.
Hot wire is completely harmless and MORE GENTLE than an invisable fence or bark COLLAR that zaps the poor dogs THROAT!
The dogs touch it once and never again.
I have touched it myself numerous times by accident and all it does is startle you. It's like a strong vibration.
Educate yourself on what you're talking about before you spout your animal cruelty crap.
I know many BIG breeders who use hot wire and it's 100% safe and HUMANE!
So go let your dogs outside and stand there and supervise them! I'm sure they get lots of time out, NOT.
MY dogs enjoy being out, sunning themselves and playing together ALL DAY when I'm home, weather permitting.
They do not live in kennel runs.
Hot wire keeps them safe and under control.

Re: Re: fence fighting

Not ignorant, just not an dog abuser! I love my dogs to much to do that to them.
I dont supervise them to where I cant even come in the house or do other things, i spend money on my dogs and invest in something called CHAIN LINK, look up what that is instead of buying cheap wire to hold the dogs in that you do not get any exercise!!
Cheap way out and probably rolling in money from litters after litters and most likely, not a single clearance done on the dogs!

Re: Re: Re: fence fighting

and bark collars will make a mess of their necks! They burn holes in their neck. I work at a vets office and you wouldnt BELIEVE the dogs that come in needing antibiotics from a shock/bark collar, no fun.

Re: fence fighting

Yep, ya got me
I'm rollin' in it!

Why waste money on those thar clearance thing-a-ma jiggs....
My dogs all walk just fine
Must have gooood hips
What ya mean chicken wire isn't the proper fencin' material??

Re: Re: fence fighting

haha, sad part is, your not joking. POOR DOGS!!
Go fry your dogs, im going to fry some chicken for the fam.

Re: Re: Re: fence fighting

???, you obviously know very little about electric fencing (sounds better than hot wire).

First of all, it is a intermittent pulsation, that only stings, a little. Trust me, I know. Been there, done that.

Secondly, a smart dog only hits it once. A dumb dog might hit it 2 or 3 times, and then not go near it, again After that you can unplug it.

I have a house girl that the minute she goes out, starts running the line, just to get the dogs on the other side barking, with her tail wagging. She is worse when she has an audience. If I put her in the pen, they all get along. It's a game, just to get me to yell at her. JMHO

Did you notice that I'm not afraid to identify myself? That's so you don't have to worry about buying a dog from me. Have a good day.

Re: fence fighting

"I solved it by placing the instigator"

Re: Re: Re: fence fighting

Although I think she is a rude stupid person (???) I always think city people just can't help but not know. I have had horses and dogs with a hot wire. Living in the country it keeps your animals in, and other animals out. My dogs have a 2 acre front yard and a 7 acre pasture. So they really dont have the need to go near the wire. However I know I dont have to worry about them either. Been shocked myself a few times. I am still walking and talking. You really should learn more before you post and sound kinda dumb

Re: Re: fence fighting

Think whatever you wish of me. I could care less.
I bet my dogs love me more than yours love you.
City or Country, I think that is very inhumane!

Re: fence fighting

I bet I love my dogs more than you love yours since I CARE enough NOT to let MINE get hit by a car, attacked or lost!!
So ???, is ignorance REALLY bliss or are you just pretending?

Re: fence fighting

??? must be a city girl to not understand the use of electric fence.
It is not used as the only means of a fence, it is set just inside a chain link or field fence.
It is used to keep the dogs from digging out into pastures or out to the road. It also works to keep stray dogs away as well.

My dogs love to run on the 8 acres in front of the house but I want to be sure they stay in the fence and do not get out and get hurt. With 8 acres they have no reason to be near the fence and the electric fence helps.
It is a pet pulsating box, you can grab it and it will zap but not hurt you. And no they don't have to touch it to learn...dogs can hear it buzzing.

I love my dogs and they love me....they also have all their clearances and get to live in the house before they pop. ......Oh yeah they are kept safely in the yard with no harm form outside dogs or cars.

Re: fence fighting

But back to the original question.....I don't believe there is a "cure" for fence fighting. I think some dogs simply get a reward (positive reaction from another dog on the other side of the fence) and will continue to do it until there's no "payback."

The dangers I've seen are torn up muzzles when the barrier is chainlink, and more significant injury when there is some sort of stock fencing being used. We now use electric fencing about 10" from the ground - initially to stop diggers, but it works well for fence fighters, too. They might still bark at each other, but it's across a 3-4' distance.

Fence fighting would never be a reason for me to place a dog. My experience has been exclusively with the dominant bitches exhibiting this behavior, but they've been side by side in whelping boxes with no issues at all. I think it's "dogs being dogs."

Re: fence fighting

For those of you who suggest Chain link and wooden fence, what do you do with a stuborn dog who can scale a chain link and who will run head first into the wooden until she finds a weak spot to get thru ?

Re: fence fighting


Re: Re: fence fighting

Thats a great idea!

Re: fence fighting

Yep - that'd be my opinion. We have two dogs who just love to chew the beautiful cedar privacy fence down that was installed so they couldn't see (and bark at) the pond where we field train and where friends fish. The electric fence at the bottom stopped that passtime, too.

Call it what you want - it works and the dogs respect it. We had a dog who would try the fence from time to time, and when he realized it was off (actually most of the time) he would chew the living daylights out of the yellow plastic insulators. When he came into the basement in the evening with one of those in his mouth it was time to plug the fence in again!

Re: fence fighting

Can it work on the aluminum fencing? Where can I learn more about this? No need to respond to ??? anymore, just like a 2 year old tantrum, it is best to ignore

Re: fence fighting

I have chain link, and I am home all day watching. The hotwire goes in this spring as soon as the ground thaws. I am tired of the dogs coming out of the yard. Once they learn how, you can never stop them but hotwire should do the trick. I would rather know they are safe and that they stay where I put them. A friend of mine had 5 dogs get out of their yard. Two were hit by cars and killed. I'm not taking that chance.

Re: fence fighting

i am not against electric fence it works great.but another way to stop dogs from getting out is to bury a stip of fence at bottom of fence attached to fence about six to twelve inches escapes in three years.knock on wood.

Re: fence fighting

Yes, it can work on any fencing as long as it doesn't touch the fence.
Touching the fence will ground it and it won't work.
You just need to get the right things that hold the wire away from the fence.
Yes Laura, you are right, once they learn, no stopping them.
I don't care how big your yard is, mine is huge.
Labs are always thinking how to outsmart us and that's why they do it.
Not bordom, just a bit of evil in them LOL

Re: Re: fence fighting

Hot Wire user or not, it's a personal preference, but cattle should not be treated with less humanity or respect than a dog. All animals have feelings. If you don't believe in hot wires for dogs, why would you for cattle???? Visa versa, if you DO belive in it for cattle, why not for dogs?? Seems hipporitical in my book.

Animal Lover :)

Re: Re: Re: fence fighting

As a fellow dog lover, I have to wonder why you put your dog's on a pedistal, but cattle and chickens get the short end of the stick. What'd they ever do to you?? Maybe they're jelous of how well you treat your dogs, and how you just think of your next meal when you see them.

I eat meat myself, but I could still never harm a cow or a chicken or think less of them because they're not dogs or pampered house pets. They deserve healthy, happy, pain free lives as much as any other aniaml on earth.

You think a shock is cruel and abusive, yet you're willing to let cattle take it, just not your dogs?? What's up with that?

I don't even know why I bother... A difference of opinion is one thing... if you don't believe in "hot wires," by all means don't use them, but for goodness sake, if you don't believe in them for dogs, than why for any other animal? Besides discipline, cause and effect, learning boundries, etc is not cruel. The things wild dogs endure are much more painful than anything our pets ever have to go through. It's not like we are forcing them to be shocked or holding them down and repeatedly harming them. They are the cause of the harmless jolt, that teaches them cause and effect. It's much safer than a dog fight.

Although, in my personal opinion, if you have a dog that is that agressive, perhaps it shouldn't be in your breeding program at all. Consider a spay/neuter.


Re: fence fighting

And if you get the solar powered version, it's good for the environment!

Re: fence fighting

to more info - the wire never touched the fence or any other item other than the yellow insulators or an insulated fiberglass pole. so it can work in front of any type of fence.

another trick we used that would work on normal labs is to purchase 3 x 16 foot hog panels from the farm store. lay them in front of the fence and let the grass grow through. This gives you a 3 foot non digging area.
but doesnt work on the real smart ones, they learn to back up three feet and start digging!

Good luck with you fence issues, it can be so frustrating, but the main idea is to keep the dogs safely in their own yard.

Re: Re: fence fighting

I just had the great escape happen two nights ago so this has been an interesting discussion. After 20 yrs and no problems with the next door neighbor dogs ... a little minpin moved in. Double cedar fencing did not keep the dogs apart. My girls ended up in his yard ... my 10 yr old was the ring leader!
I will talk to hubby about the solar electric wire idea. Timely topic for me ...

Re: fence fighting

I agree with those who suggested more exercise and even some short one-on-one training sessions or alone time.

Re: Re: fence fighting

Sorry, you all who know me know I am about the most soft hearted person around when it comes to animals and I wouldn't think twice about installing a hot wire if it meant protecting my dogs, and for us "city folks" one aspect of protecting our dogs is to be sure they are not considered an annoyance to neighbors who could easily cause trouble in this day and age. Fence fighting would probably tick off mine for sure since.

I have actually been looking at a couple electronic fences to go around the perimeter of my house just far enough inside the fence to keep them well away from it.

I would hope that I would not have to use it very much, but it will give me peace of mind. I would rather a quick zap then a dog crushed on the road or stolen.

My brother has several horses and a hot wire around the various paddocks. I am forgetful and have grabbed the side of the fence more than once and gotten a zap. Did it get my attention? Umm yes...but it didnt do any harm. (I dont think )


Re: Re: fence fighting

Place her....too stupid to

Re: Re: Re: fence fighting

Make no mistake about it, the MINPIN was the ringleader!!! hehehe.

Re: Re: Re: fence fighting

I have both, an escape artist, and a bunch of territorial fence-fighters. I'm getting a hot wire installed ASAP. The terrible feeling when missing a dog when I call them inside is something I don't want to experience anymore. Thanks God she has always being back unharmed, and not pregnant. And yes, my neighbors complained already once for the noise when the dogs bark at everything that is on the other side of the fence. All the toys and all the space is never enough....
Any website for more info about how to install hot wire?
Nice discution. Thanks all.

Re: Re: Re: Re: fence fighting


Installing electric fencing is not hard. Any tractor supply store should be able to help you. If not, email me, or a farmer could tell you. It's not a very expensive project, either.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: fence fighting

Thanks, will do.

Re: fence fighting

Laura when shopping for your equipment look for a light work box for horse or a dog box, you dont need the bullmaster that goes 10 miles :O) I also prefer a pulsating box, giving the dog a chance to back away on the off pulse.

Also figure out how you will run the wire, by insulators hooked to your fence or by plastic post set out a foot or so. We use the plastic post that you step into the ground. Easy to move around or take down and store.

hot box has two connections, one for live wire, one for ground. The ground wire will connect to a metal pole in the ground near your box. If the box is to be left outside make sure it is designed for this.

most important is to remember your hot wire runs away from the box and never connects back to the box or to anything that would make a complete circle. you always have to leave an open dead end.

Re: Re: fence fighting

Thanks so much. That helps a lot.

Re: fence fighting

Re: fence fighting

Lots of great information, thank you. One more question - what about jumpers? My girl won't jump normally but when the horses start running on the other side of the fence she is very tempted and I call her back. I'm thinking she could jump over the hot wire and the outer fence. Anyone with a jumper that can share their experiences and solutions?

Re: fence fighting

I don't think jumping should be a problem, once your dog has touched the wire. In my experience, it only takes one or two "corrections" and the dogs won't come closer than about 1' of the wire. Even though they could easily put their feet up on our split rail fence to be petted and not touch the wire (which runs 8-10" above the ground & 2" away from the fence posts), they won't come any closer.