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What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

Hi, What is UKC and what is it in comparison to American Kennel Club and Canadian Kennel Club

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

I would suggest that you search the topic, as this has been discussed before.

I would compare the UKC to the Canadian Kennel Club as you can get a title in one weekend and it all depends on what dogs show up that weekend as far as quality. The UKC shows tend to be small and less formal. Most people show both AKC and UKC (and CKC). No professional handlers unless they show their own dogs. The UKC has a great Juniors program and its a good opportunity to get your young pups out for ring time! No registry is perfect and all three have their benefits and downfalls.

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Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

I understand some people use UKC as an alternate registry for dogs that came either on AKC Ltd or no papers at all.
UKC will issue "papers" and viola, they can say their dog is "registered" and breed away!

Re: What is this in comparison to AKC/CKC

I never heard of anyone ever doing that, even though you are correct, the UKC does not recognize other registries. Did you know that commercial breeders and puppy millers cannot register with the UKC? AKC can't say that

Re: Re: What is this in comparison to AKC/CKC

How does the UKC decide who can and who can't register with them? How do they know who is commercial or a miller? Seems unenforceable to me. What if I had a UKC registered dog, and I sold it to a miller. How would UKC handle that?

Re: Re: Re: What is this in comparison to AKC/CKC

Hold on, UKC requires AKC or CKC (canadian) copies before registering ANYTHING, now Contenintal Kennel Club will, send them a photo or two and breed away, but the UKC is pretty strict on that stuff.

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

They may require copies of a pedigree, but NOT the registration because they don't give a hoot with who or how the dog is already registered.
Why would they want a copy of a registration they don't recognize.

Re: Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

Does anyone know where you can see records of the CKC papers. Can they take a copy of someones Champion dog and get it registered with CKC with a picture. Do they do any DNA?

Re: Re: Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

YES they do require AKC papers or CKC papers, sorry!

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

2. Photocopy of the dog’s registration certificate from an UKC acknowledged registry. For all breeds we acknowledge AKC, The Kennel Club (Great Britain), Canadian Kennel Club and any FCI registry.
3. The dog's complete three generation pedigree (photocopy or handwritten).

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

UKC does require a copy of your AKC or Canadian paperwork (or other registry that they have on their list).
Also what does the fact that they do NOT honor AKC limited have to do with anything. Maybe people should have screened their puppy buyers better. I mean HONESTLY if the puppy buyer is not going to give a hoot about limited then they don't give a hoot about registry. They will well breed regardless!! I mean I can skim my newspaper on a daily basis and see "Purebred AKC puppies" being sold with no papers...gee wonder why that is??? I see Labs in my paper with pedigrees that I have and I wonder if they were purposely sold on full reg or they are just disregarding the limited. I know one just disregards it because she breeds doodles too.

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

"How does the UKC decide who can and who can't register with them? How do they know who is commercial or a miller? Seems unenforceable to me. What if I had a UKC registered dog, and I sold it to a miller. How would UKC handle that? "

I am sorry, I was not clear. The UKC does not support high volume breeding. For example if you breed 20 litters a year (i do not know what the magic number is)the UKC will consider you a high volume breeder and you will not be able to register all the litters with the UKC. Sure you can breed that many, but don't try to register all 20 litters with them. The AKC on the other hand could care less if you breed 20 litters a year, as they are concerned with the registration $$$.

As I said, both registries have their ups and downs. If you don't like the UKC, then don't join. I look at it as another venue to get out and do things with my dogs.

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

I show my dogs in the AKC and the UKC and when I wanted to register one of my new puppies with UKC, I sent in the form for the registration and they sent it back with a letter stating I needed to show proof of an AKC registration or a CKC registration for the puppy. I agree with the poster above, if you don't like the UKC then don't join it. Stop the bashing that is enough!!!

Re: Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

Do a Google search on "alternative" dog registries, and also try to do a search on the registry you want more information on

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

UKC judges pay more attention to structure, movement,
and appropriate weight of the dog

no handlers, which decreases politics

Re: Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

What? Are you talking about UKC?

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

UKC - UKC has a few shows throughout the country but are based in MI. The shows are very low-key, you can enter the day of the show. They normally have 1 show on Friday, 2 shows on Saturday and 2 shows on Sunday and you can some times get a U-Ch in one weekend.

Some people use this as a starter for dogs that need more practice before entering the AKC ring. The judges usually do not allow bait and you must ask to make sure you can use it and professional handlers are not allowed.

The point system is 100 points to get the Championship indlucing two wins with competition. You get 10 points for winning your class, 15 points for taking best male or female and 10 points for taking best of winners and there are no additional poins for breed towards the chamipionship.

AKC shows are more structured and competative. They allow bait and professional handlers and entries must be maid about two weeks before the show. Normally specialites and showing youngesters is for exhibition only. I wait until mine are at least 3-4 to compete and are also proven as the bill on the Championship can be large. Pro handlers can actually save you a bit of money but some enjoy showing themselves. If you are really lucky and have a great dog and super handler you can pay a very small amount for a Championship, but that is not typical. Normally bills range from $2500 to $6000 depending on where you show, who you have showing the dog and so on.

The points are given on a scale according to how many other Labs you beat in points of 1-5. 3 or more points being a major. 15 points are needed including two majors under two different judges to obtain a Championship.

CKC shows are almost like the AKC shows but competition numbers are less. They require 10 points to finish with no majors and the bill is usually half the price of an AKC Championship.

If you would like information on the field aspect of all of these please let me know. I would be happy to share that with you as I have spent the last few years learning about the field side of the competition.


Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

Correction on the CKC - they do require one major

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

In Canada you do not need a so called "MAJOR" as it is called in the USA.
It is only called a two point win.

This is from the CKC website

How many points do I need to earn a Conformation Championship title?
A. Conformation championship points are awarded at Conformation Shows. To become a Conformation Champion, your dog must earn at least 10 points under at least three different judges and have earned at least one 2-point win, either at the breed or group level. Your dog must also be individually registered with the CKC or have an Event Registration Number.
Here also is the point schedule from one of the preimums
"Champions and Championship Points
Chapter 15.1 A dog awarded WINNERS at a championship show shall be credited with a number of championship points (ranging from 0 to 5) and the number of championship points credited to a dog awarded WINNERS shall be as provided hereunder.
15.1.2 The schedule to be employed in the determination of the number of points to be allocated a dog awarded Winners shall be:
Dogs Competing* 1 2 3 to 5 6 to 9 10 to 12 13 or more
Points Allocated
*includes the dog awarded WINNERS 0 1 2 3 4 5
In counting the number of eligible dogs in competition, a dog that is disqualified, dismissed, excused or ordered from the ring by the judge shall be included in the calculation for championship points.
Note: To determine the number of championship points earned by a dog awarded WINNERS, total all the dogs in competition which the dog defeated, directly or indirectly, for, the highest of the following official breed awards, Winners, Best of Winners, Best of Breed, or Best of Opposite Sex, then consult the schedule set forth above.
Section 15.1.8, … a dog awarded WINNERS which also places in the regular group competition shall be credited with the following additional points, provided that a dog was defeated at the Group level.
Number of breeds competing at Group level Dog placed First Dog Placed Second Dog Placed Third Dog Placed Fourth
13 or more 5 4 3 2
10 to 12 4 3 2 1
6 to 9 3 2 1 1
5 2 1 1 1
4 2 1 1 0
3 2 1 0 0
2 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
Section 15.1.9, A dog may not be credited with more than five (5) championship points in a single show.
Section 15.1.11, A dog awarded WINNERS which also places Best in Show at an all-breed Championship Show shall be credited with five (5) championship points inclusive of any points earned at breed or group level.
Section 15.1.12 (c), In order for a dog to be recognized as a Champion and its owner provided with a Championship certificate , the dog must…have earned at least one 2 point win either at the breed or group level.

Re: Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

Oh geesh...thats right..sorry. Numbers don't seem like a major. Easy to get.

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

CKC may be easy, but is still harder than UKC!

Re: What is this in comparsion to AKC/CKC

Depends on what you mean by easy and your goals.

A dog is not truly "finished" in UKC until it gets a Grand Championship, which requires 5 wins over at least two other champions under different judges.

And you will spend a lot of time on the road going
to distant shows, hoping to get enough champions
present to make a win count.