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Doggie sick

Hi Everyone!
I told my friend that i would post on the forum to possibly get an idea of what is going on with her Ch. boxer girl. Roxy had puppies about 9 weeks ago, she has since lost weight, has been running a temp over 103 at times, seems really stressed out and hasnt been eating much at all.
My friend took Roxy to the vet and he checked her out only to say "i really dont know", gave her cephalexin.
Any idea what would be wrong with this gal this far in the game? Its really strange as she was just fine while nursing.
The boxer forum didnt have much to say regarding it and hadnt experienced it in their own females before.
Thanx in Advance!

Re: Doggie sick

I would suggest consulting with a new vet first of all.
Could be Mastitis, Pyo, any number of serious things.
Not something I'd wait on!!

Re: Re: Doggie sick

As stated, she did take her to the vet.
Would those two things happen this late with her puppies being 9 weeks old?

Re: Doggie sick

Yes, but I suggested another vet as it's obvious the one she has seen has no clue what's wrong.

Yes, those 2 things can and do happen this late after whelping.

Re: Doggie sick

It might not be related to her pregnancy or puppies. Blood work? X-rays? Any vaginal discharge? Being a boxer, cancer is always a concern.

Re: Doggie sick

Metritis perhaps? Get an ultrasound asap!

Re: Doggie sick

I went thru this but it was 5 months after a litter. 104.8 fever, vomiting, no appetite.

US sent us to the ER for emergency surgery to find a ruptured gallbladder.

No idea of the cause but in humans it is sometimes a result of having a child. I know 2-3 people that developed GB problems after their first child and were advised to have GB removed before having more children. Who knows if it could be hormonal in dogs.

I'm not saying this is the issue with this Boxer but better safe than sorry.

I would get bloodwork and an US done ASAP.

Re: Doggie sick

My girl was very sick about 8.5 weeks after her litter of 10.

Not a thing showed up on bloodwork, u/s normal, two days over at the vet showed NOTHING. Every test and scan and poke and prod (to the total of $2600) showed absolutely everything was normal.

Within three or four days, she was back to herself. Vet likened it to missing the puppies made her sick (she nursed until they left). I am not suggesting that this is what is wrong with your bitch, just what happened here.

Re: Doggie sick

My sister had a boxer that she lost to cancer just 5 weeks after whelping the litter. Apparently the pregnancy triggered the cancer, there had been no signs prior. It was a very sad situation. If her current vet isn't sure, I'd error on the side of caution and get to a vet who will be more aggressive with their testing. I'm sure there's something she can be given if they suspect depression. Good Luck.

Re: Doggie sick

I really doubt depression would cause a fever

Re: Doggie sick

My friend found out today, Roxy has cancer.

Re: Doggie sick

I'm so sorry

Re: Doggie sick

Oh how sad. I am so sorry.

I would get her on grain free food. Cancer thrives on carbs.

And tell her to google "Essiac". It is an herb for cancer in people and animals.

She should get good info at

Prayers for your friend and Roxy.

Re: Doggie sick

So sorry.