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Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

No flames, but an honest question I can't find an answer too. (yes I have a call in to the vet) I have a bitch due to be bred in the next couple days (depending on her:-)) and she has been exposed to a confirmed case of kennel cough and knowing my luck will get it because of all the planning for the breeding. The semen is going to be shipped, so there is no stud contact, but can she be bred? It's not her first litter and she is young, but it's a breeding that took a great deal of time and planning to get in to the works and most likely could not get back in the works again.
Anyone's thoughts or experiences? (and no I'm not new to breeding, just never had this experience with a bitch due to be bred)
Thanks in advance.

Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

Is she actively coughing ? When was her last vaccine? If she is not affected, then I would breed her . I'm assuming she was vaccinated and that is all you could have done anyway. If there is a break in the vaccine then she either has the antibodies to protect her or she would get it anyhow.

Re: Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

She's not as of this am when I left for school actively coughing, hubby is on watch:-) I'm worried that I breed her and she comes down with it. Her last vaccine was about 5 months ago (i'd have to look at her records to be 100% sure) I guess if she could come down with it after she's bred even without confirmed exposure and then what can you do right? ah the joys of dogs.
Thanks for your reply.

Re: Re: Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

My question would be why not? If you had a cold or a sore throat and you were trying to get pregnant and you were ovulating tonight would you skip it? One should have nothing to do with the other in my opinion.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

Thank you. That makes perfect sense. I had just never come across it before and just didn't know. Thank you for all your help.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

I once bred a female and the day after the last breeding, she started coughing. She and another dog both started the same day. Over the next several weeks it slowly moved through my kennel like a very slow game of dominoes, seemed to have a really long incubation period. She was pregnant, whelped ok and the pups were fine.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

This happened to me too. On the day of the first breeding the dog was fine, we bred her. On the day of the second breeding she started to cough so i called the stud dog owner who said that since we had already been there, to come back and we would finsih the breeding. Kennel cough slowly worked its way through all of my dogs and all of the stud dog owners dogs. What a mess. My girl had 8 healthy pups.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

She probably had 8 healthy pups with a great immunity too!!! :)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

Yes they are all still very healthy, though it was a mess wadeing through kennel cough and stressing about how it might affect her or the pups.

Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

I thought I had read or heard about a link between kennel cough and canine herpes virus. I can't remember exactly.
Should that impact the decision to breed a girl that was recently exposed to it?
Maybe one of you medical people -- Kathy or Bonnie maybe -- can shed some light for me?

Re: Re: Breeding a bitch with Kennel cough exposure

I have heard of an association, but i don't remember any facts to it. Hopefully there is a vet who can step in with some info. I know when i had that bout of KC with my breeding, it didn't affect any of those pups, one was kept and bred once, and that litter had no issues either.
Sorry, i can't put in any facts here.
Anyone else have any?????