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Oregon Dog Law

Folks, this law is going to pass unless we do something and do it quickly, and I am not sure we are going to be able to stop it at all now. It is being steam rolled in. HSUS has had lobbyist for months down in Salem OR working with the state legislators. Perhaps you are wondering if maybe this really is a good law and we should just let it pass to help prevent puppy mills- well let me just point out that pet stores are completely exempt on this law. It is only pointed at 'dog breeders'. If this law is intended to stop puppy mills, then why would their chief outlet for their pupppies, the pet stores be exempt. There are people, mainly Jeff Jennings of Whispering Hills Kennels, & Judy Chambers of Ghoststone Labradors who have been working night and day calling legislators and working on a plan that would actually attain the goal these people say they are seeking. Jeff had been told there was a work group being formed and he would be kept abreast of all aspects of this and very likely could be on this work group, and the following day was told that the work group had already been formed. No one ever mentioned that fact while he was talking to these people the three days before. The only people in this 'work group' are those who are for this new law. At the last hearing, those against the law were only allowed one minute of speaking time. However those for the bill were allowed to go well over the alloted time. Legislators who were on the committee were told by the head of the committee that they could not ask questions of the people who were there speaking for and against the bill. The head of the committee is obviously very biased for the passing of this bill/dog law.
My point here is if you live in Oregon, you had better stop sitting on your behind, and get yourself down to Salem on Tuesday for the protest or kiss your dog breeding days in Oregon goodbye- because it wil be over. There is going to be a protest next Tuesday in Salem and we need numbers. This one is not going away. There is lots of money behind it and all we have is numbers and lots of placards that say, "I own a dog and I vote!!!!!"
Jeff was completely surprised at the fact that he was contacting breeders all over the state and all breed clubs and not even getting the courtesy of an answer back, much less anyone else wanting to be involved. I was not surprised because I have watched the dog fancy for years sit back and enjoy the status quo while others fought the good fight. I believe we have gotten complacent re: these dog laws because so many are thrown at us and then a handful of people fight them and get them thrown out and we are not affected- well that is not happening this time. So you'd better make some noise if you live in OR or be ready to retire from dog breeding and showing. The really fun thing about this law is that if you are caught ignoring it you are facing jail time and a 2500.00 fine.
Oh and even more thrilling one of the people speaking for this bill is an AKC judge and collie breeder.

Re: Oregon Dog Law

I hope that you are all able to defend this bill. I have to agree that breeders do just sit around and think, it will not affect me in the least. Please people get involved, without your protest, these types of legislations will go thru. If these pass in one state, they will pass in every state. I have been reading all the states legislations that deal with this HSUS agenda and it is unbelieveable how they are different in every state, but are trying to kill the breeders and dog fancy. Please get involved,if your dogs mean "that much" to you then please let your govt. know, get involved!!!
I can't believe that there would be a rogue AKC judge involved with this bill and this should be brought up with the AKC.
I have been watching all this unfold this last year and this year and it seems that we are targeted and that we are the bad guys. Next they will be handing out big letter "B" for us to wear on our shirts so everyone knows we are breeders! I feel we are being subjected to a giant "witch hunt", that is the product of HSUS and PETA, who are as leftest as they come. I'm finding this whole thing very much like the propaganda that went on in Nazi Germany. Sorry, but this is how I feel today

Re: Oregon Dog Law

The rate at which this bill is being pushed through the house is frightening.

The agenda is painfully obvious, the Oregon Consumer Protection Committee has been bought and paid for by the HSUS and PETA. The "work group" Judy mentioned in her note above is nothing more than a shield for the committee. The consumer portection committee has loaded the work group heavily in favor of the bill - even managed to schedule the work group sessions so that our token AKC representation (1 person) won't be able to attend. Thank you Judy Chambers for stepping up to fill in.

But here's what's worse: What is even more frightining than the legislative maneuvering is how difficult I've found it is to get the breeder "community" to wake up, take a deep breath of reality, and grasp that this bill will pass without those who claim to care standing up for themselves.

Every breeder I know will talk about how dedicated they are to their breed and to the sport. We like to think of ourselves as a "community". Well based on what I've experienced in the past couple of weeks - it's lip service.

I've attempted to rally whole clubs, long established training kennels, and other small breeders. Most won't show enough interest to even answer an email. Those that have responded say "Wow... good luck." I've gone from surprise, to disappointment, to frustration, and now I'm angry.

Stand up, get involved, or get what you deserve!

For those of you in other states; the fight we have in Oregon DOES affect you. Don't think it won't be on your door step next - it will. Be assured that if it comes to you after passing in Oregon, your fight will be even more difficult. Every state that fails to defeat these Nazis, gives them credibility and momentum in the next state they approach.

Our Oregon fight is your fight - no matter where you are.

Re: Re: Oregon Dog Law

First of all a big thank you to the breeders who have been working tirelessly to defeat this bill! I hope that you receive lots of support from other Oregon breeders and exhibitors.

If you don't live in Oregon, or any other state with pending legislation, you may still be affected. For breeders it could potentially affect being able to use the stud dog you've chosen for your next litter. For those who don't breed it could affect the breeder that you'd like to get your next potential show champion, or master hunter, or obedience trial champion, or beloved family pet from.

So whether it's Oregon or anywhere else please get involved and do what you can to retain your freedoms.

Good luck to the Oregon folks! Let us know if there's anything a non-resident can do help.

Re: Re: Oregon Dog Law

Well said Jeff. I hope the people of Oregon will wake up and realize what's at stake. I'm in the midwest and wish there was a way I could help.

Re: Oregon Dog Law

As a former Oregon resident, I sure hope you can fight this thing. We in Illinois have our hands full fighting our own legislation that is pending - I've been to Springfield once, will probably go next week for another committee meeting, and have sent countless emails/faxes and phone calls.

It does take time, but I can't believe people whose livelihoods depend on dogs (handlers/trainers/etc...) aren't more active as they will directly be affected by these laws and will most likely have to find a new line of work!

Let us know if out-of-state residents can help you guys!

Are you working with lobbyists of your own? We (Illinois) have a couple who are working on our side - we've gotten a few concessions, but we really want the bill killed, not amended!

Re: Oregon Dog Law

What are the provisions in this Oregon bill?


Re: Re: Oregon Dog Law

The people who are the most knowledgeable about this proposed bill may be too busy organizing their fight to reply to your question. A quick overview can be found on the AKC website under legislative alerts. Also check previous postings on this forum by Judy Chambers.

Re: Oregon Dog Law

Here is the text of one of the letters that has been sent to every member of the Consumer Protection Committee. It was also sent to a news publication in Salem. Please feel free to use it as is, modify it to be in your own words, add to it - whatever. You could help the fight by sending it to members of the committee. Committee members' names and email addresses are posted below.

It (HB 2470) fails to isolate and target irresponsible dog breeders as the result of its failure to define the health standards, living conditions, and breeding practices that differentiate responsible breeders from the irresponsible.
Failure to acknowledge that difference would result in all breeders - including those who practice the highest standards of care and responsibility, being characterized as irresponsible and thus adversely affected.

It attempts to reduce mass breeding by imposing a cap on the number of sexually intact dogs any person may have in their care. Its limit on that basis implies that all sexually intact dogs are actively producing puppies.
The collateral effect on professional trainers and sporting event handlers who typically train and travel with large numbers of client owned intact dogs, would be that those professionals could not sustain their businesses as a result of lost revenue. The bill would effectively limit the number of clients a professional trainer or handler could serve at any given time.

It attempts to improve living conditions by defining a minimum containment space in which dogs can be kept. However, it fails to recognize that the space requirements for a primary living space are far different than that which is possible for travel and for temporary kenneling.
The consequences of the bill's failure to make exceptions for temporary kenneling, would be that dog transportation in Oregon would be prohibited by all existing standards. Every dog owner would be affected. Commercial air carrier standards would be in violation. Trucks and trailers specifically engineered for dogs, including vehicles currently operated by Oregon animal control agencies would be in violation. Transportation of family pets in personal vehicles would be a violation.

It imposes unreasonable consumer protection measures that put every dog breeder at great risk of litigation. Breeders would be required to provide dog buyers with a two-year guarantee against all congenital and hereditary defects. Many such defects are not present or are not detectable until long after a puppy would be sold, and some can be caused by a buyer's negligence or improper care of a puppy during its first years of life. The buyer is further provided legal remedies that can total three and one-half times the price of a puppy, plus the costs of the breeder's legal defense.
The effect would be that every breeder, regardless of his diligence to best practices and the highest level of care, would be sued at some time for a failure to produce genetic perfection or to disclose defects that were not detectable or present at the time a dog was sold.

Consumer Protection Commiittee members:
Representative Brent Barton

Representative Jean Cowan

Representative Vic Gilliam

Representative Paul Holvey

Representative Wayne Krieger

Representative Greg Matthews

Representative Chuck Riley

Representative Carolyn Tomei

Representative Jim Weidner

Representative Matt Wingard