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I can no longer keep up with all of the pending legislation. I have asked for the creation of a committee for this. I have to reiterate that EVERY SINGLE breeder and exhibitor MUST get involved NOW!

I don't care if you hate large scale or commercial breeders or not. It no longer matters. We are all going to lose in the end. EVERY CLUB MUST have a legislative person or committee and they must be diligent! There won't be any dogs to breed or show in 10 years.

Re: Legislation

The scary part, Gina, is that so many seem to think that it won't (can't) happen. I noticed that there have been only 40 views of your post at this point, even though it was several hours ago.

There is legislation "on the table" in at least 34 states currently, most of it severely restricting breeders and dog ownership. With everyone so distracted with the economy right now, the HSUS and other AR lobbyists are heavily pushing their bills in order to try to get laws passed before anyone realizes what's goin on.

Sadly, you are probably correct in your last statement.

Re: Re: Legislation

we have a billin Indiana right now also being pushed into the sneate . Bill 1468 antipuppy mill bill./
But it will affect the hobby breeders/ purebreed dog fanciers /exhibitors if it passes un amended .
They will classify hobby breeders if we have 5 puppies in one year born / or place 5 adults as a PET DEALER. which is the same as a pet store that buys dogs from puppy mills.
There would potentially be limits on how many intact dogs that a commercial dog breeder can have at one time . they also have a section there where it talks about a lemon law that is one sided with no rights to the dogs breeder. Especially if a pet buyer neglects a dog as it grows up and then trys to pass blame to the dogs breeder. what protects us.
So we are working on this and have been trying to get things addressed with state represenatives and officials .We will see.

Re: Re: Re: Legislation

Here in Belgium those laws have been passed allready few years ago. Most thouht it wouldn't happen. Not only it did, but more laws are being added all the time.As an example: hobby breeders can make No publicity whatsoever to sell their pups. The result after years of legislation is that pups have become a pure commercial "object".Hobby breeders are disapearing to the profit of puppy farms, let's not even mention the quality of the dogs! That's why I love your US labs. Don't let it happen to you!!