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Whatever happened to the "tents by the ring" poll on the LRCP site??

I was thinking that maybe they should sell those tent spots, like they sell the tables for veterans. (with the understanding that they need to let "outsiders" come and sit if there is room)


I was told by the show chair last year that it doesn't matter who owns the tents and that they don't own the ground under them and anyone can sit under any tent that is put up.


"Outsiders"? What is that suppose to mean?

Re: Re: Re: TENTS @ LRCP?

People that were not "officially" invited to sit under someone's tent.

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Replying to:

"Outsiders"? What is that suppose to mean?


What is this high school all over again??
Well I'm in the "cool crowd" and you're not, so you can't sit at OUR table


This is a Labrador Specialty, correct? I don't believe that there should be a classification of whose "in" and whose "out". If you are a true Labrador person, you would have your door opened for others.

There was this breeder a few years back, I was on my way to pick up one of my girls from her and unfortunately I hit bad traffic - the time I was to arrive at her house was 3am, 5 hours past the time I was suppose to by there by. I said I would grab a hotel and see her in the morning. She replied with a "Sh*t no - the door is open, the bed is here dont be silly". What a true Labrador Breeder/Owner/Individual.

There was another time, I was in the ring, and my leash broke - a fellow breeder then threw me a spare leash that he had in his pocket. What a true Labrador/Owner/Individual.

What are you? Or these people that do not welcome """"outsiders""""

Re: Re: Re: TENTS @ LRCP?

There shouldn't be any tents ringside. People standing behind cannot see the ring. Did just fine without them and didn't have the territory issues either.

Re: Re: Re: Re: TENTS @ LRCP?

No tents? Are you kidding? When you are sitting ringside for a good portion of a week, those canopies can be invaluable for keeping the sun or rain off you. I've set up a tent and would put my chairs up at the front, right at ringside. ANYONE else was more than welcome to set their chairs up underneath them--after all, I didn't own the space under the tent and was happy to let others sit there and enjoy the benefits of the canopy.

The LRCP sets up a big tent and many people choose to sit under there. Why shouldn't spectators be allowed to set tents up around the rest of the ring? To date, the only tent I've ever seen roped off or otherwise designated as private was the tent LRCP set up for their mentoring program. Besides, any seasoned dog show spectator knows that the unwritten code allows you to sit in any unoccupied seat until its rightful owner returns asked for it.

I've always viewed it as a nice gesture to bring canopies and set them up ringside for others to share.


What Tent City said!!!

Just walk up under the ez up and join in the conversation and fun. The more the merrier! I don't know anyone who wouldn't mind meeting someone new (assuming the person has a positive attitude!)


Well the tent we had(Thank you Tari ps. do not forget the top!!) up house several countries under it. From Canada to USA to Scotland, England, France, and also several old dogs beinging baby sat, so they did not have to sit in crate in vehicles all day.What a great time we had. So you can have anyone under your tent and enjoy the experience.


Well now I will be putting up a tent and my chair and there will be lots of room for anyone who has a good sense of humor to find shelter - oh did I mention you must bring good wine and maybe some crackers


Part of what makes Potomac so wonderful is getting to meet people you otherwise might not have talked to or gotten to know. As somone else said, many individuals come and sit under one tent, even if it's not their own canopy. It's great meeting all those individuals--who knows, maybe you will form new friendships that will last a lifetime! Aspects like this are what makes Potomac the special and memorable event that it is. There truly is nothing else like it.

Have an open mind people--you might be surprised what comes of it.


I think it's all good. The real problem is that some of us are a little shy or inhibited about approaching people we don't yet know. For all who are shy remember the "yet" part. I was this way until bad weather gave me the extra push to find my way under a tent one year. I was welcomed warmly and felt included right away. Never mind that the tent nearly blew over a few times and I found myself holding onto the tent pole for dear life! Ha!
Anyway, it's just a matter of walking up and saying "hi." Once you do it you'll be glad

To all the tent owners, try to keep an eye out for the shy ones and offer them a warm smile when they approach

Here's to a grand Potomac 2009


Don't be shy- just get under the tent!!! Shake a hand and say my name is.......

You have 3 days to meet some good people and have some great "dog" talks all in one place- don't waste it!! GET UNDER THE TENT!


Oh, I'll be under a tent for sure Maybe I'll bring a bottle of something extra good to boot! One thing I'm going to do for sure since I was timid for years is to look out for anyone who seems this way. I'm just hoping that all the tents are needed for this year are SHADE


Replying to: "There shouldn't be any tents ringside. People standing behind cannot see the ring."

OH paawwleeze... who is that tall that their heads are above the tents? Grab a chair and sit down! I rather be sitting behind a 6' tall guy than be standing behind one!!

4 rows of chairs, 6 wide can fit under a tent... do the math. Everyone can find a seat.

If LRCP provided the tents all the way around the rings, everyone would say Yay!! But since they are owned by individuals it's an issue?

Everyone who owns a tent said: come on in, join the fun!

It just so happens these people are doing a huge favor to the club by providing much needed free shelter, and it only makes for camaraderie and fun.

Maybe that's a reason why Potomac is getting bigger every year!!