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good deeds done by lab people

I think we need to praise the good deeds lab people have done for each other.I will start a number of years ago I was judging a hunt test and a male puppy I had brought became sick early Sayurday morning.He had a bowel obstrution(swalowed a small ball) since I had 70 people waiting for my opinion of their dogs I could not leave.A friend took my dog to vet and handled the situation for me and kept me updated all weekend since he was there till Sunday night.I just think we see alot of negative comments here lets praise each other.

Re: good deeds done by lab people

Every time I have seen someone in trouble at a show, whether it be equipment issues or a dog overheating in the ring, there has been an overwhelming amount of people running to help. Almost too many! In 25+ years of showing I have never seen a nasty incident at a Lab show. Most people are more than willing to help in a crisis. Also, more Labrador people have fun at a show than most other breeds. I find the shows pleasant, and the exhibitors a joy for the most part.

Re: Re: good deeds done by lab people

I was at a very hot summer show and my black bitch was ready to go down in the ring, after going WB. At ringside Karen Day wrapped my girls head in a cold towel, and doused her with water from her water bucket she had brough ringside for her dogs. Thank YOU Karen , you are a great dog person and a good soul! [and I am sure she does not remember doing it]

Re: good deeds done by lab people

And lets not forget Take the Lead who has helped our Lab community in times of financial need due to health issues or just bad times.
The best part of Take the Lead is that the help remains confidential.
I know of a person who would not have made it during some really rough times, Take the Lead helped out and allowed him to keep his dogs.
Yes, the Lab community is one of the best out there!

Re: Re: good deeds done by lab people

Please tell us more about Take the Lead. I hadn't heard of it before.

Re: Re: Re: good deeds done by lab people

"I was at a very hot summer show and my black bitch was ready to go down in the ring, after going WB. At ringside Karen Day wrapped my girls head in a cold towel, and doused her with water from her water bucket she had brough ringside for her dogs. "

Last year at Potomac it became very warm and many handlers were about to go down in the breed ring- everyone ringside offered up their water! Seems the dogs all had their water anhd cool towels, the handlers had none.

Re: good deeds done by lab people

Here is the website address:

A brief description:
Take the Lead was founded in 1993 as not-for-profit foundation under Section 501 (c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code dedicated to provide direct services, support and care for all qualified participants in the sport of dogs who suffer from the devastating realities of life-threatening or terminal illnesses.

Re: Re: good deeds done by lab people

What a great idea...telling GOOD stories...

Mine happened several years ago at Miami Valley. My boy, Captain, was fine and then the day of the show started vomitting over and over. I was in a strange town and with a van full of dogs and scared out of my wits as to what to do first.

Pam (from Citadel) and Karen Helmers both were angels to me. Gave me some reasonable options and calmed my fears. I ended up finding a local Vet and begging them to call my Vet (in IL) to follow his protocols. We ended up with a course of fluids in OH and Rx to stop the vomitting (30+ times) and then another bag of fluids to get us hydrated enough to make the 8 hour ride home and to my Vet.

It was a bad bug that most of my guys ended up getting, but Captain was the worst. All recovered within a couple days, but I was ever so grateful to those two calm heads and great advice.

I have thanked them over the years, but others should know how great those two gals are, too! You're the best, Ladies!


Leslee Pope

Re: good deeds done by lab people

I remember well my first time to Potomac. I thought to my self, "April will be a beautiful time of year for a dog show." Well, needless to say I was totally unprepared and stood shivering in the ring in my short-sleeved denim dress with my then 7 month old boy. I was determined the bitter morning chill was not going to bother me by golly! (even though everyone else was well bundled) Boy was I touched when someone ringside reached over and draped a jacket over my shoulders. Didn't know me from Adam, just a kind Lab person offering a kind gesture. I'll always remember that

Re: good deeds done by lab people

Okay, it was Raleigh-Durham and there I was in the ring with my hormonal boy who had only ONE thing on his mind, and it wasn't the bait I was using. I became completely flustered, unable to command the attention of my boy. Fellow exhibitors ring side offered me toys (thank you Elizabeth Wenner) but little difference did it make. Much to my surprise and in spite of my handling skills we took the class. Another exhibitor came to my aid, offering me handling tips and even a big strip steak to get me through winners dog. Then she offered to take my boy in the ring for WD, and showed him to RWD (thank you Heidi Herman). Now that is a GOOD deed and made for a day I will never forget.