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A big thank you!!

Hey everyone i wanted to send out a BIG thank you to all of you that attended the PRLRC match today. It was a HUGE success!! We had a total entry of 70!!! Plus we had 10 obedience entries for our show and go!!

Thanks to everyone that helped me run a great match!! Until next year.....


Re: A big thank you!!

Nice job Jen and Julie! Also the judges were wonderful and very patient with green handlers such as myself! It was a great day.....

Re: Re: A big thank you!!

who won best puppy? best adult? sweeps, any results??

Re: Re: Re: A big thank you!!

I will have everything up as soon as i get through the paperwork....

I do know that Best in sweeps was Kathy Wolf and her Brinna/Gabe puppy b*tch.... Bred by Julie Jussaume, also coowned by Julie...
