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Chocolate Stud Dogs

I am just in the process of chocolate stud dog shopping and am wondering who the good producing chocolate stud dogs are right now? I can't seem to find what I want so thought I would ask around a bit.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Do a search on this forum. It's been discussed several times.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Please don't start this again.... Too many people self promoting.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Of course, it's only the "chocolate" stud dog owners promoting on here - NOT!
What do you say about the previous topics on here for the other colors of studs such as "looking for a nice dark yellow", or "dominant black producers" or "fox reds". Those responses weren't promoting? You say it's only "chocolate" stud owners and users that promote? Get real!

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Ya know, this kind of post really gets to me. This is a breeder forum. B-R-E-E-D-E-R. Breeder's use stud dogs. Can't be a breeder without them. Why people like you feel the need to put a stop to posts about stud dogs is just beyond me. We may as well talk about our furbabies happy birthday, or that our cute little pet doggie slept through the night in his crate. If we can't discuss breeding issues and stud dogs, then why come here? We can talk about pet issues on any lab forum.

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Sometimes those searches on this forum go back too far. I too would like to know what "current" chocolate boys are producing well. The chocolate gene pool is so much smaller than black and yellow. So please...let the chcolates speak up!

Re: Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Ya know, I say lets don't start it either. Do your homework, go to shows like the rest of us. What we say might not be the look or temperament or workability you want. But you had better look hard and long. OFA is right there for alot of history on dogs and familys. With chocolates you don't always want the dog of the day. You look who has nice get out there winning if you want show and who has hunt titles if you want field work. You would be lucky to find a dog with both. Look for sound, look for clearances, look for a great pedigree and who cares if its a champion or not.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Go to Potomac to see the get.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Here's an idea, go to a dog show and see for yourself.

Internet breeding is for the lazy.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

I am really sorry for you Jolene (original poster) because I don't know why people are so mean spirited here. I have seen many posts answered enthusiastically about stud dogs in the past. Mostly black. It is terrible that nobody will answer your post about chocolate studs. If I had any suggestions I would definitely post them here for you. I'm sorry that the other people who responded are so nasty and unwilling to be helpful and friendly.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

And if any of those people had had bothered to check Jolene's website, you'd see she's "been there, DONE that" and might not be treating her as if she doesn't have a clue!

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Oh my. Unless you have no life but dog shows, how do you think you can do all your research just by going to shows? The internet is a wonderful tool. I can't imagine not using it in any of my breeding decisions. Don't be so closed minded. You just might learn something!The internet opens up the world to breeders. Going to a few dog shows is so limiting. You say internet breeding is for the lazy. I say not using the internet is for the ignorant.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Jolene, I think a very nice upcoming chocolate boy is:
CH Baja Weikenlin Moonking. I have seen him at a few shows and specialties and he is very nice and such a love bug...Plus he already has some winning get out there..

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Please don't start this again.... Too many people self promoting.

I AGREE!!!!!

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Why don't you just leave the breeder board, and go to a warm fuzzy pet lab board. Then you won't have to hear any names of stud dogs, and you can talk about making your puppy a birthday cake with biscuit candles. Why people get so freaked about the mention of a stud dog, especially in a good way,on a BREEDER forum, is just beyond my comprehension. If it offends you so, join Pet Labbies R Us. If breeders can't discuss stud dogs, what the hell is the point?

Re: Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Ok, I am ABSOLUTLEY DISCUSTED at the RUDE comments I got from some people!!!!!!! I NEVER use this forum so thought I would try as this IS a breeder forum, therefore most of you out there should know who the good chocolates are right now. I spend HOURS on the internet looking at other breeders websites and yes I DO MY HOMEWORK! I cannot go to specialties in the US as I have two small children and my family comes first. There will be a day in my life that I will be able to travel and visit around to other areas of the world and go to different specialties, but now is the time in my life that I raise my children first and foremost. Sorry to those of you who do not understand.My God, I am just furious at this!! Thank-you to those positive comments and private e-mails I get, and yes for all of you that haven't checked out my website, I HAVE BEEN THERE DONE THAT with my dogs, at specialties more than a few times might I add. Remind me never to come here again, my heart is just racing after reading the rude comments to a very simple post.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

I hate this term self promoting? Why? Cuz to me it just screams of jealously!!! Those who can't stand seeing someone proud of what they've accomplished in this breed, especially with a color that is difficult to find consistancy with.

I love a good chocolate dog. However they can be hard to find. Get a good one, and everyone uses him, then where do you go next? I like to hear of a good chocolates or lines that carry chocolate if that is the direction I want to go in. Threads like these are good to help bring attention to dogs whose owners may not "self promote" like advertising in LQ or other publications. I mean afterall, isn't advertising of any form the same as self promoting? DUH! I've found some great chocolate dogs out there, they aren't just that wellknown or only known in local areas that some of us might not show in. So if we just limit ourselves to seeing what's in our area, aren't then not doing enough homework because we aren't expanding our choices and looking on the internet?

Ok here are some of my favorites:

Lines that have produced well and are seen in many of todays nice chocolate boys:

Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount
Epochs Edward of Bonaventure (sire of Vinnie but many other nice boys)
Am/Can Ch. Banner's Muskelunge Buckeye, JH
Ch Wilcare's Masterpiece,CD, JH
Ch. Scartho Frost (Black)
Ch. Stonecrest Davey Crocket (Black)

You will see these dogs appear in the pedigree of some of the nicest chocolate dogs of today:

Ch. Baja's Weikenlin Moonking
Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry
UCH Twin Maples Speed Of Sound CGC
Ch. Bonaventure's Bacardi Joe Banner
Huntmoor Tease Me Please Me (shamelessly being self promoted on Jill's spotlight )

I know for me, I like hearing of nice up and coming chocolate stud dogs or even black or yellow boys that carry chocolate so as not to limit my gene pool.

So all you nasty jealous people who throw the term "self promotion" around like it's a derrogitory term, grow up and like you momma should have told you, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it all". Now go play with your dogs and have a good day!

Best of luck to you Jolene!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Don't leave. You asked a legitimate question. There are always going to be some that make trouble. They forget it is a BREEDER board. Annoys the crap out of me. Someone like you can be way more valuable on a BREEDER forum than someone that can't stand the mention of a stud dog. Don't let the idiots chase you away.

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Ch Stonecrest's Davy Crocket is chocolate not black.
Nice list.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Take it privately........

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Wow, it is really easy for you to sit behind your computer and type all of your nasty thoughts. May you end up on the receiving end of a vicious attack one day just for simply asking a question on a FORUM.

Forum = a public meeting or assembly for open discussion

Just in case you forgot what the defintion is.

It must be really hard work to be so mean. :-) Keep at it, also remember this as you type....... mean people usually have way more wrinkles!!!!!!

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Who is being mean? Who is attacking who?
I never said anything mean.
Don't think that everyone that signs breeder is the same person.
Grow up! There is no jealousy here.
This topic has been discussed RECENTLY in all three colors.
"Please do not use this Forum to place any form of advertisements. This includes *Puppies for sale and/or wanted* as well as *Stud Dog* advertisements and Litter Announcements.."

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

So what if it was discussed recently? Discuss it again! If you are bored with the topic, don't read it! And, if it has been discussed in all 3 colors, than it must have been OK with Jill. So, stop being the forum police (I bet you were a tattletale as a kid). The OP asked a legitimate question, and because of people like you, she couldn't get any answers. If you don't like it, MYOB!

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

WOW!!! What a can of worms this poor lady opened up...and didn't mean to. As a chocolate fan, I see no problem mentioning a dogs name. It's not like the person has said, "standing for stud" before or after the name. If mentioning is considered "self promoting", then no one should name their dog, or anyone elses that wins at a show. This could be considered a form of self promotion. Just a simple thought. I can feel the flames already!
Jolene, you stay on here. You asked a very viable question and I'm happy one brave person answered you.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

I think you are the mean, hateful, and hurtful person here. Sad
You are one of the reasons why many leave this forum or choose to not reply to questions.
People can't be civil. You just attack...
Everyone should be allowed to express their feelings, thoughts and opinions without being turned on.
Once again I said nothing "mean", only you did.
I will not be baited anymore. Go away if you can't be civil...

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

"As well as *Stud Dog* advertisements"

Ok this would be a stud dog advertisement on here:

Available for stud:

Handsome chocolate male, registered name Hershey Bon Bon, OFA good eyes clear. $500. Contact Joe Schmo @ 555-1212 to book your female now.

Don't you realize by posting a dog's name because you think it is a beautiful dog and is producing nice puppies is NOT like posting the above stud dog advertisement? As mentioned ad naseum, this is a forum where breeders can come to discuss ideas openly and freely.

If you don't like a certain thread, DON'T READ IT!

And my bad, Davy is chocolate, a very lovely boy at that!

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

It's really sad when people like myself actually cringe and hold their breath while reading through one of these threads actually hoping my OWN dog is NOT mentioned, for any reason!!
It's very sad indeed because I am proud of my dog but I wouldn't want his name to come up on here due to the nasty posters who turn into lunatics everytime something they don't like is mentioned.
I am a very private person and prefer to keep my name OUT of the limelight, so to speak.
I know others feel the same
Too bad this is the only forum where some of the most respected breeders come to and they have worry about what will pop up next on someone's agenda.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Exactly!!! Thank you shameful....

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Stonecrest Davey Crocket (Black)

Ch. Stonecrest's Davy Crockett is absolutely a chocolate not a black. I used him for stud-service and he is EEbb (Cc).

Don't forget BISS Ch. Lubberline Pumpernickle * Baker, sire of Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry * Dauber


Am.Can. Ch. Woodhull's Roger That

There are lots of beautiful chocolate boys out there. You shouldn't have a problem finding one you like to enhance your breeding program. The owners of those dogs are great about inquiries or to work with.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Calm down. Pay no mind to the nasties. Have you looked at Jill's spotlight dogs? I think there were a few nice chocolates. You can then find their get usually listed on the ofa website. ( and then research them as well. Don't forget to check infodog to read the Potomac catalog after the show. Hope to see you there some day! Keep smiling!

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

The problem with naming names again. The same dogs. There are more out there thats why you find a line you like and do research. Most show no working titles. I want beauty and smartest shown. Lots of nice chocolates are Optigen B. So test your girls and go for it. Nice Bc out and Byc out. Look at kennels you like and do the homework. Or go ahead and pick the dog of the day. And remember no matter who you breed with you need a nice female. The males can not carry the load, they can only help. I love to hear talk about chocolates. More to it than most will ever know.

Re: Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Very well said, previous poster. Due to small chocolate stud dog gene pools it is Very Important to have a Great chocolate female because no matter what top dog you are using for chocolate, more than likely you will not get anything special unless the Dam is also and then you will get the show stopper. I personally would like to add Ch Boothgate's Chief Producer, Ch Labradale's Coffee Crisp, up and coming Big Sky's Joshua a B/C and CH Sedgehaven's John Brown. Yes, there are a few untitled choccy male that are worth looking at twice. Also agree with all the former chocolate males mentioned.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

How much influence,percentagely speaking,does the stud dog have on the litter?Can you get female pups that look like the sire?or do the females all look like the dam and the males like the sire?...stop laughing at my questions!!!!!

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Devanley's Grand Canyon
Saw this chocolate boy last Fall at an Ohio show. Very Nice!
Good luck with your breeding.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Grand Canyon, "Rocky". WOW beautiful boy. Thanks for posting about him. I would not have know about him otherwise. I also found another lovely "Mason" boy too, Chablais Stormy Aftermath. "Mason" is Ch Big Sky Stone Cutter (Black). Both Rocky and Splash are young upcoming chocolates boys. Hope to see more of them and from them.

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

e-,ail me privately and i will be glad to give you a list of them. I have a choclate bitch so I have done lots of research and you can check them all out and see who you like the best for your bitch

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

there are more then those already mentioned, e-mail me privately and would be glad to give you a list of them, from coast to coast. all are nice and may have alittle something to offer.

as for the question about how much influence does a stud dog have on the litter depends on the stud dog.....some stud dogs stamp there litters , from the beginning you can tell who there dad is and others do not , some the bitch can stamp and others are a combination of the dam and sire. this is what happens most often.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

Hanova Iragorri Master Blend

Balrion wheathertop pumkin pie - black that carries chocolate

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

I would also say look at the fathers of alot of these dogs you are mentioning. Someone told me years ago, why use a son when you can still use the father.
That was one of my best tools going forward with my breeding program. The older guys also have had time to show off the gets and health issues to appear. Blacks or chocolates. You have to work hard with chocolates to find that really nice mix with your girl sometime. Ask some older breeders how often they get the really nice chocolates. Keep researching.

Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

"I would also say look at the fathers of alot of these dogs you are mentioning. Someone told me years ago, why use a son when you can still use the father."

I've often heard this but my strongest line is my bitch line so don't discount the maternal line. :-)

Re: Re: Chocolate Stud Dogs

For sure you will get a lot nicer chocolate if you already have a nice dam. As with any color. The studs can only do so much.