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Muddy yards issue?

I know we have discussed mud plenty of times on this forum, but what about any health issues that may arise from it. Are there any that anyone knows of? I worry about the swamp/pond smell and any bacteria. Is there any protocol besides keeping them out of it? I have spots in the dog yard, especially around the gates where I noticed standing water on top of the mud. Hay and straw will be put down today, but the health question is on my mind... Thanks in advance for any knowledge of this.

Re: Muddy yards issue?

Giardia would be a concern i would think? if they drink the water or lick it off when they clean themselves.

Re: Muddy yards issue?

Possibilities would include parasites, bacteria, and fungus--like ringworm. I wouldn't keep them out in it all day, just out to use the bathroom and then back inside where it's warm and dry, unless you have a kennel floor that will keep them up off the ground. I find the mud more annoying than anything else. Any health concern that may arise can certainly be dealt with before becoming a real problem, as long as you are watching out for it and are attentive to your dogs. Additional worming may be needed, a couple extra baths with blow drying, ect. The biggest prob would be ring worm since it can be passed easily and hard to get rid of. Just keep 'em dry.

Re: Re: Muddy yards issue?

Actually, the most important health issue is OWNER SANITY dealing with muddy paws, muddy floors, muddy towels, muddy clothes....

Re: Re: Re: Muddy yards issue?

I don't know Christian , that yellow bitch looked pretty darn clean to me on Sunday.

Re: Muddy yards issue?

I hate getting splashed with mud and jumped on, but this time of year, it comes with the territory I guess.
We have stone and stone dust in a large portion of space in front of our gate but they always find a way to get you dirty anyway!
Health issues, not to my knowledge. But I do Panacur my dogs (which takes care of Giardia) on a regular basis.
I think the mud is more annoying than a health risk.
I do hate when they drink it though
Give them plenty of clean, fresh water in a big bucket and they still choose the puddles
I assume it goes better with the poo eating!!

Re: Muddy yards issue?

_I don't know Christian , that yellow bitch looked pretty darn clean to me on Sunday._

_Possibilities would include parasites, bacteria, and fungus--like ringworm._

_Actually, the most important health issue is OWNER SANITY dealing with muddy paws, muddy floors, muddy towels, muddy clothes_

Dogs that have time within the house will be much cleaner usually. I don't allow mud through the house so my dogs are cleaned well on the way in. If I have to bathe their feet with soap and water from mud, I will. Lots of old towels at the doorways help Dogs always in a kennel are usually more muddy when entering. I don't see the parasites, bacteria and fungus ringworm being a problem in a clean kennel. *jmo*

Re: Re: Muddy yards issue?

The mud we had on Friday is seeming better after getting 6 inches of snow yesterday. We went for a walk in the thick of it. The snow was flying almost parallel to the ground. Walking away from the house we were going more or less with the wind. I was thinking how pretty it was; the dogs were running around with glee and making the canine version of snow angels. Coming back we were facing into the wind. I was wondering what had possessed me to go for a walk in such a blizzard, and the dogs were sticking close- afraid they might be left out there if they lost sight of me? They had 1/2 inch of snow on their backs when we got back in the house. So we're back in winter again.

Re: Muddy yards issue?

Thanks to the posters with the facts on possible health issues. I like to be prepared and prevent these things from occuring. My dogs spend a great deal of time running freely and enjoying themselves. Wouldn't dream of keeping them cooped up in a kennel or house all day because of a little mud. Instead I installed a large stone yard and just yesterday with hubby's kind help put hay around the muddy areas in the play paddocks. They clean up quite nicely and smell good too. I feel quite sorry for those dogs who have to be kept indoors when the ground isn't just so. I try to do what is best for the dogs both emotionally and physically. JMO

Re: Muddy yards issue?

Peggy, you gotta love that snow!!!!!