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Best and Worst places for breeders to live

As a breeder faced with the opprounity to live anywhere in the US, and considering relocating, I'm wondering to go... Not a troll, not PETA, just a breeder looking for answers. TIA :)

Quick Poll: (No names required)

1) Which states do think are the least breeder friendly?

2) Which states do you think are the most breeder friendly?

3) If you could live anywhere in the US where would you go, based on your kennel, dogs, and breeding program, not where friends or family live, etc.

3) How would you rate the the dog law in your area on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being fair for everyone, and 10 being unconstitutional)

3) Do you feel safe as a breeder is your area, or do you live in fear that your right to breed will be taken away?

4) What, if anything, have you done to help protect your rights? (Have your written letters, posted educational info on the web, attended meetings on the subject, etc?)

4) have you ever relocated or considered rolcating because of the dog laws in your area?

5) Are you a licences kennel/breeder? If so, does the person who inspects your kennel seem fair or troublesome?

6) What state do you live in?

7) What type of zoning is required in your area in order for you to operate a kennel, private or otherwise?

Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

Given today's really troubled political climate, before you get any answers, you are going to have to give a real identity and a real email address. I am sure you are legitimate, but I doubt anyone will respond to a "blank questioner" at this point.

Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

Actually, all these questions leads me to believe you are wanting all the homework we've done and no research on your own. Sounds crazy but it seems more prudent to pick several locations you're interested in first, then to ask about those particular locales. Doubt anyone will give the level of detail you seek.

Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

If people don't want to answer, that's up to them. Obviously replying to this post is not mandatory. Also, I have done homework, and know what I'm doing. I just simply feel that the more info I have the better. A little research and asking around never hurt anyone. Just want to make sure I gather all the info I can. If no one wants to help, that's fine.

Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

I am faced with a similar situation. We decided to move to Indiana but now with their new breeder bill I may reconsider as nothing is written in stone yet.

Re: Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

I would also love some input on this topic. I don't have to stay in PA, puppy mill catpital of the world, lol. I would consider a move, but don't know where I would go.

Re: Re: Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

Well, right now mostly every state in the union is going to go thru some sort of legislation. I can't name any state you are safe in anymore Good Luck in finding one, let us know, we might all want to move there too

Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live


I'll just give my thoughts but who knows as things seem to change and I have no idea where this world is headed.

If I was thinking about moving I would look at very conservative, tried and true, die hard Republican states. Ones that vote landslide Republican year after year. A state in which agriculture/farming is a high priority, whose constituents largely rely on it for a living. Perhaps a state with a lot of rural areas and not too many large cities. This is most likely the Kansas, perhaps Missouri (although the presidential election was close there this past year), Nebraska, Dakotas, etc. A lot of these states have no counties, or possibly just one out of hundreds, that went to the left during the election.

I'm not saying that PETA or HSUS will not be able to infiltrate their local governments. But, they will certainly have a harder time making headway in the capitals of these very conservative states.

Re: Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

Viginia has their law, so at least you know what to deal with. The State Supreme Court also struck down tail and dewclaw laws, so it's reasonable.

Re: Re: Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

Sounds like Peta wanting us to speak up where we have it easy so they can head there next.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

I agree with you. Right from the start of this thread I thought something was a little funny.

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Replying to:

Sounds like Peta wanting us to speak up where we have it easy so they can head there next.

Re: Best and Worst places for breeders to live

Actually because of the commercial breeders. PA was always a good place. Now... not so much unless you don't have many dogs. I've heard all kinds of rumors that they are running background and credit checks on any kennel license applications.

I sound like a broken record I know... but you really have to stop picking on the commercial breeders and join with them. They have Lobbyists. We have... ourselves. And we're too busy bitching about people gossiping at ringside or mismarks or who has the best parking spot. We are all in the same boat. It's not us vs them. It's dogs vs having no dogs at all.