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Question... Beef Heart???

I was just given a very large beef heart, is this okay to feed to the dogs? I was thinking that maybe I could slice it and cook it like I do the liver to use for training?

Re: Question... Beef Heart???

My dogs get beef heart weekly, it's just a muscle meat and much better for them than anything you will find in a bag

Re: Question... Beef Heart???

I used to feed it raw, and also cut it in strips and slow roast it for ring bait. Even unseasoned, the dogs seem to go nuts for it, more than for liver.

Thanks for reminding me to go out and buy some, even a whole heart if I can find one.

Re: Question... Beef Heart???

Ok, Thanks. I will cook it up and freeze it for the next show! I am a little lucky as my parents have a cattle ranch and so they gave me the heart and liver. No steaks for the humans, just stuff for the dogs! LOL. It's okay, I realized long ago that I rank behind the "dogchildren"!

Re: Question... Beef Heart???

I generally boil a whole beef heart in a stock pot with a lot of garlic salt. When it's cooked, I slice it, then bake it in the oven @ 200 degrees for about an hour to dry it out a bit. When it cools, I cut it into small bait-sized pieces with a kitchen scissors.

Store in Zip-loc bags in your freezer and just grab a handful when you're headed to a show. It also doesn't cause diarrhea like liver can!

Ask your local butcher shop. If they don't carry them on a daily basis, they can probably order one or more in for you.

The dogs love's NOT greasy or crumbly...and it's not disgusting to put in your mouth if necessary!

Re: Question... Beef Heart???

If you are really old, like me, you may remember beef hearts were standard dog food. Kibble was only invented around 1950. Mom used to get beef hearts from the butcher shop and she would cook them on the little stove in the basement. That was the same little stove she boiled up the water and soap for the washing the clothes in the days of washboards and wringers. Your dogs are going to love the beef hearts.

Re: Question... Beef Heart???

Why cook it? That will destroy the proteins.

Re: Question... Beef Heart???

Thanks for the help! Your nice replies are much appreciated. Have a nice day

Re: Question... Beef Heart???

My Labs love beef heart. Feed it raw. Why bother with extra work!