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Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

I was wondering who do breeders trust to do their X rays? Your own vet? The vet's technician? A orthopedic specialist? Or, do you just drop the dog off at the vet and not know who is doing them?

At my vet we can choose you does our X rays. Some vets better at it than others I find.

Looking for opinions.

Thanks :)

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

Dr. Hoskins, Redwood Veterinary Hospital in Santa Rosa, CA. He holds the rear end, the tech hold the front legs and I hold the head. No anesthetic, he reads the x-rays and so far, so good, everyone has passed both hips and elbows.

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

One of my two vets, a vet tech and myself. I have my girls slightly sedated when having them done.

Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

I'm always courius about how can you do the x-rays without sedation. I know it can be done, but I can't hold them still to get a good position. They start pulling their legs (I'm strong, but can't do it).

Any tricks I don't know of?

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

If you want to make sure you're taking your dogs to a vet experienced at taking a good quality hip xray, as opposed to a vet who says he can do it, but may actually know little to nothing about proper hip xray techniques and positioning, then make sure the vet is qualified to take a PennHip xray.

Even if you just want one view for OFA submission, if the vet is trained in taking xrays for PennHip, then they should be able to give you a good xray, regardless of where you choose to send it.

If they don't know about taking PennHip xrays, they may or may not be good at taking a good hip xray.

I've been to many vets over the years and the one who took the best xrays hands down, was one who also does PennHip, not just OFA. The rest ranged from poor xrays to okay xrays, but not great.

Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

My "regular" and only veterinarian does the x-rays. I suit up and go in with him. Vet tech usually has to get out of the way : )

I have never sedated any of my dogs. Dr. Pat will take shots until he is happy with the view and the image. Sometimes 1 or 2, sometimes 3 if the dog wiggles.

I have had close to a dozen dogs done by Dr. Pat and all were at least "good" rating, one excellent so far.


Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

Good point. They are specially trained for that.

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

*" vet is qualified to take a PennHip xray."*

agree with you!

I trust /use a Vet that is PennHip certified.

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

Ditto - I also suit up and go in to hold the front end with my dogs.
I am right there and my input is more than welcomed by my vet and his tech (the only tech I will use for xrays). We all look at the films before the dog gets off the table to see if we need to re-do.
My dogs are mildly sedated (Ace) and fully awake. The sedation just makes them a bit more cooperative as the OFA position is not very comfortable for the few seconds they have to hold it.

Re: Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

Gee, I love the anti-Tech remark. If you only knew what goes on behind closed doors. You would be grateful that we're around keeping a close eye!

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

Gee, I love the anti-Tech remark. If you only knew what goes on behind closed doors. You would be grateful that we're around keeping a close eye!

I agree! Vet techs are the ones closely watching your dog if sedated, Vet is too busy. One Lab that was sedated went too deep, gums starting turning white, if it wasn't for the Vet tech standing right there monitoring the Lab, the Vet would have never known and they might have lost that Lab. Thanks to the quick reaction of the Vet tech, they were able to reverse the sedation and all was fine, but it was very scary. Please don't knock Vet techs - they work their asses off and you really don't know all that goes on behind closed doors.

Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

Thank-you! That's well appreciated.

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

" A orthopedic specialist?"

I use an orthopaedic specialist. Positioning is as critical as the vet-tech monitoring the dog.

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

I have always used my regular vet whom I worked for as a vet tech. I sometimes assist, sometimes not, and my dogs have always been fully anesthetized. So far 2 goods and one excellent. Question now that I don't work there anymore- Does anyone regularly go to the clinics that are advertised and if so do you recommend them ?

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

I calling around for prices, I spoke with a clinic who said a technician did the x rays with another tech assisting. All the vet does is sedate the dog. Said the tech does all the breeder's dogs in the area. This seemed odd to me as I thought it was the vet who had to sign the paperwork for OFA?

Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

I drive an hour to one vet that is well known for OFA and Penn Hip.
He does the xrays on digital machine, so great for blowing them larger to really see everything.

Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

I trust Dr. Mello at Warren(R.I.)Animal Hospital.It is a painless/chemical free experience for my dogs and his evaluation of the hip/elbow xrays have ALWAYS beem right on target with the OFA's evaluation(of the same xrays.) takes me longer to get there than the visit itself!

No offense ment to techs

I meant no offense to techs--my comment was that Dr. Pat and I have it down and the tech is not needed to help hold the dog. His tech is also very young and inexperienced, so she is still learning.


Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

I use a vet that I only go to for x-rays. He's been doing them for years. No sedation, vet tech holds the front, I hold the head and he does the rest. He's done three dogs for me and it's taken just a few seconds each. Most breeders in my area use him - Dr. Link in Madison, WI.

Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

*" vet is qualified to take a PennHIP x-ray."*

I second that... Through experience; the vet who has digital doesn't necessarily mean that he is the best person for the job if the dog is not sedated no matter how well you think you are postioning the dog, muscles play a big part in how the hips sit in the ball and socket. My experience says dog should be sedated and done by a vet who is PennHIP certified also, it is a good idea to get PennHIP and "regular" x-rays at the same time. This will show the hips in general along with PennHIP and you can get them scored.
Personally I don't think you can get a good x-ray without sedation it can be so deceiving otherwise. Again through experience.

Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

I 2nd that! I will go to no one else, besides Dr Link and don't know what I'll do when he retires. Hopefully he trains in someone new! I have breeder friends that come from 8-9 hours away because they trust his opinion!

Re: Re: Re: Who does your Hip/Elbow X rays?

Dr. Link already has Dr. Sondel working for him! No Need to train anyone else. I drive an hr to get there and use Dr. Sondel as my primary vet. Not only is he wonderful at reproduction but I did my first set of OFA's with him a few months ago and my girl came back excellent and normal. I know everyone loves Dr. Link but I personally am a huge fan of Dr. Sondel! Spring Harbor is so amazingly breeder friendly. I've never been asked to hand my dog off, I walk right in the back for procedures and hold my own dogs. I can't say enough good things about this clinic!

I also thought I'd add a comment regarding vet techs. Before I moved last summer I used a vet who I also loved. In that practice the vet techs take almost all the x-rays - including the OFA's. I know this because I worked there. The tech takes the OFA's and the vet comes in and looks at them. If he likes what he sees done, if not he does the positioning himself. I personally have never had an issue with this way of doing things because he took the time to train his techs to do a great job! Good vet techs are invaluable and they deserve our respect and support.