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Wellness Dog Food

I had been a happy Pro Plan user for about 10 years, until now. I am still having difficulty getting the old C&R from Pro Plan. Until now I have been patiently using the "dreaded shredded", however I am very low and do not want to buy anymore. I am debating on changing everyone to either the Salmon SS&S as I have 2 of my girls currently on it with great results or switching to an alternate C&R. I have been looking at Wellness C&R as it is similar in protein/fat as the old C&R, it has quality ingredients and I can get it easily. Anyone else have experience with this food?

Re: Wellness Dog Food

my dogs had a near death experience from a bad bag of Wellness (trace molds on the food)...Dogs went into anaphylaxis & it was very scary...the company was horrible to deal with...I tried to share what happened just to let them know about a problem...they blew me off and were more concerned with whether or not I was going to sue real concern for the dogs...won't touch the stuff...although the recipe looks great....too bad...I feed Innova & Evo...very pleased! Also talked to a Briard owner who did loose her dog to a bad batch of Wellness...just a FYI...

Re: Wellness Dog Food

I used to feed Wellness before they changed their formula. Once they changed, my dogs never had a firm stool again and I switched. I fed Wellness Puppy to a dam and then pup and they both had scary diarrhea.

On the other hand, my Mom's older spayed bitch is on Wellness Core Reduced Fat since having a bout of pancreatitis and she is doing great on it! She had always been a very picky eater and now eats with gusto.

Re: Wellness Dog Food

My dog did not do well, at all, on their Sweet Potato and Fish food, had horrible poops. That was about 6 years ago. He has been on their CORE food for about 2 years and has done fantastic on that food. I have read on other forums where dogs who haven't done well on their foods before have done very well on their grain-free line. Go figure.

Re: Wellness Dog Food

Why don't you try the ProPlan Selects? I just switched to it and my dogs stools have returned to normal and they love it. As an aside, they have also stopped eating their poop. I have fed ProPlan for years and they always did great on it, until the shreds. Mine lost a lot of weight on the shredded. I tried switching to California Natural, but they just picked at it. So, I gave up and bought the PP Selects Turkey.

Re: Re: Wellness Dog Food

Agree about the PP Selects. I can't say anything negative about my experience with both the Selects Puppy and the Salmon and Brown Rice formula (which has no corn, BTW).

Re: Re: Re: Wellness Dog Food

We like the selects here too. Last litter was weened on it and I have two eating just CR selects and three eating a combo of the selects and performance. All do very well and the poops are perfect, coats are great etc.
My only issue is that it is so much more expensive and lower I have a hard time getting all I need, EVEN when I order it in advance and I do not have many dogs compared to some. I also have a bit of an attitude problem about purina in general right now because I feel like many of us on selects and performance were forced on to it by the "dreaded shredded". I would like to switch foods just for the fact that I dont feel purina was loyal to US and because it seems that even though the new formula caused a lot of us big aggravation, we really are not getting any favors having the old brought back. No extra points, higher prices, harder to find, and in the meantime, all these months waiting for the old to come back they have been seeing a profit from all those who switched to higher cost proplan products. Is it any wonder why they have not been rushing it out to the stores, or why they are not bothered by it being in only select retailers? All that said, I suppose it is all just a vent as my dogs do so well on this food I hate to make a change.
Might try my older girl on a bag of diamond as I have heard good things about that.
Good Luck!

Re: Wellness Dog Food

I love the Purina SS&S formula. I never tried the shreds and don't plan to. My dog's stools are firm and their coats are as good as you can get here in Arizona.

I tried Wellness for a bitch and another bitch in whelp and the stools were awful...I gave it a shot for almost a month and just couldn't take it anymore.

Re: Re: Wellness Dog Food

I was like Kim who posted above. The Wellness original formula was fine, but they changed it and the loose stools started. I have switched to Innova and been happy with the results.

I am however still using the Wellness treats sold under the Mother Hubbard label (not sure which is the parent company); chicken flavor treats, liver flavor treats and bacon and cheese flavor treats. These were not changed and the small size makes them excellent bait.

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Replying to:

I used to feed Wellness before they changed their formula. Once they changed, my dogs never had a firm stool again and I switched. I fed Wellness Puppy to a dam and then pup and they both had scary diarrhea.

On the other hand, my Mom's older spayed bitch is on Wellness Core Reduced Fat since having a bout of pancreatitis and she is doing great on it! She had always been a very picky eater and now eats with gusto.

Re: Wellness Dog Food

Thanks to all who have given their input. I too am quite irritated with the Purina situation, however my dogs have done so well for so many years. I am going to stick with Purina and just switch all of them to the Salmon SS&S and keep my fingers crossed that they do well.

Re: Re: Wellness Dog Food

I had initially switched all of mine the the SS&S and they looked great. But... that's when the poop eating started. After they were on it for about 2 months they ALL started eating each other's poop. I don't know if it was because it smelled "good" because of the Salmon or what. I just could not take it anymore.

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Replying to:

Thanks to all who have given their input. I too am quite irritated with the Purina situation, however my dogs have done so well for so many years. I am going to stick with Purina and just switch all of them to the Salmon SS&S and keep my fingers crossed that they do well.