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Update on growths

Some may remember that several weeks ago I asked for opinions about removing some growths on my 10.5 year old girl. The surgery was done a week ago, and we got the report today that both were benign cysts. Cammie came through the surgery fine, although her stomach is upset today, so we are discontinuing the antibiotic a day early. So all is well that ends well (assuming she stops throwing up- she had no breakfast this morning in hopes that will help.)

Re: Update on growths

Glad the results were good & hope she's feeling much better soon!

Re: Update on growths

That's surely good news.

Re: Re: Update on growths

That's great news...I'm happy to hear she came through it all just fine. I know you are relieved. Here's hoping her tummy gets to feeling better soon.

Re: Update on growths

Good news Peggy! hope she continues to do well.