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Soft sided crate ?

Looking for the best brand/size, soft sided crate for my 80lb boy.Any favorites?
Thank you

Re: Soft sided crate ?

We have cabana crates, but I am not sure they still make them. I have another kind that has a heavy framework that is great in the house but not easy to transport.

Re: Re: Soft sided crate ?

Noz 2 Noz on for the big boys. I don't like the ones that zip all around like the Day Tripper or the ven cheaper ones. Would have bought a Cabana crate if they still made them, but the Noz 2Noz are easy up, if heavier than some. Heavy is good when a big Lab leans on them. Noz 2 Noz also easy to pop open and closed. Having said that, the mesh is easier to paw than the old Cabana or Wilson (?) crates from I think MD. One can also lug in the wire crate and top with a Cabana cover that you can buy by googling online--not the same as the old crates, but a mesh cover. Make sure you get one big enough and tall enough for the boy--maybe a 42 inch one. My guy hated the little day Tripper that was all that was available in mesh at a specialty. I was grateful to have it after the zipper broke on my old tall Wilson crate the first day of the show!

Re: Re: Re: Soft sided crate- Thank you

Thank you -your hints were just what I needed.

Re: Soft sided crate ?

i love my petmate,,doskoscil crates,,fold flat and come with handy carry case,,,i had the noztonoz and kept pinching my fingers when snapping the top in place,,,pain,,,,

Re: Re: Soft sided crate ?

Sandra- we have all kinds of expensive soft crates. The ones I use the most were cheap ones I got at Big Lots- they are like the nose2nose, but cheaper. Indestructible!

Re: Soft sided crate ?

I like this one the best. It is light, easy to set up, cheap and has no carrying case. Cases are a waste of time and effort. UPCO has them cheap, and I think they may have free shipping too. Not sure about that, thought. I would get a 42 inch for a male lab, but they can easily fit into a 36 too.

Re: Re: Re: Soft sided crate ?

I tried the ones from Big Lots and they were just not quite right when putting them together. I got pinched badly and returned them all. On the other hand, I have had the Noz2Noz ones for many years and they be the only brand I ever buy.