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Recommended Treatment?

Anyone have suggestions to get rid of tapeworms? I know there is Droncit or Drontal Plus. Wondering if anyone has had any success with something more natural?


Re: Recommended Treatment?

Praziquantel(Tape Worms Tabs)

Re: Recommended Treatment?

three days of panacur or safeguard

Re: Recommended Treatment?

Diatomaceous earth for 30 days in the food.

Re: Recommended Treatment?

Panacur will not do the more common form of tapes, you must use Praz. for them. It's the only drug that works and it is one of the 2 active ingredients in Drontal Plus - the other being Pyrantel (rounds & hooks)

Re: Re: Recommended Treatment?

Panacur does not work for tapes. Praziquantel is the only drug that kills tapes.

Re: Recommended Treatment?

Fenbendazole It is effective against the Taenia species of tapeworm but not against the Common tapeworm,

check out this link to see the difference in tapeworms

Since I have been blessed with no fleas for over 6 years, if I see tapes I know they are Not the common tapeworms from flea eggs.
The Taenia come from dogs eating mouse, rabbit, etc.

So panacur will work on the Taenia worm, so it is important to know which one you are dealing with. above link has pictures to the "other white worm"