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Website Slideshows

Hi! I just have a question for those with websites that have slideshows with music on them. Which program do you use? I didn't want to go with Quick Time Pro as the images aren't as good of quality. I am at a loss and getting more and more frustrated!

I would like the slideshow to have a play button as well so it doesn't automatically start when someone goes to my site. (I am willing to purchase the product if necessary)

Any info would be appreciated.



Re: Website Slideshows

If your pictures are great quality, Quick time will project them just fine.

Also look at previous discussions on this forum for other suggestions.

Re: Re: Website Slideshows

Photobucket it is easy. If I can do anyone can.

Re: Website Slideshows

Yes, photobucket is really easy. The only problem is that you can't upload your music or if you can I haven't figured out how. You can use their music, which sounds like cell phone ring tones.

I purchased Quick Time Pro and the photos in the slideshow do not look as good as they should. I have a Nikon D90 so my photo quality is pretty awesome.

I am just having a hard time with this as I don't know anything about writing code, so the program that I use will have to give me the code to embed in my site.


And goodmorning to everyone.

Re: Website Slideshows

I use Simple Star Photoshow 5. It is pretty simple to do - you can use your own music converted to a Mp3. Draw backs, works great with highspeed- takes a long time to load with dial up.

Re: Website Slideshows

Hi Patty,

Thanks for the advice! I did a search for it and it looks like you need to have Road Runner High Speed Internet as it is a part of their service. Is this how you access this program?

Re: Website Slideshows

No, I bought the program on ebay...a upgrade from my old one (used to be called Nero Photoshow) You might look under "Photoshow Deluxe 5 Simple Star" on ebay. I think they have a few. You can convert to HTML and upload to your is pretty easy.
