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OFA-resubmit of Xrays

Is there a time frame for resubmitting xrays to OFA?? Some have said you have to wait 6 months??

Re: OFA-resubmit of Xrays

That is only because you will likely not see much change in under that timeframe on a growing dog.
I'm sure OFA and your vet will gladly take your money as often as you would like to give it to them though

Re: OFA-resubmit of Xrays

The Radiology panel that reviews the x rays changes every 6 months. That is definitely one of the reasons to wait the 6 months.

Re: Re: OFA-resubmit of Xrays

First time I hear that. When do they change?

Re: Re: Re: OFA-resubmit of Xrays

The panel changes every 6 months, so WAIT to re-do them, so you get a different panel of opinions. Who knows, maybe the new panel will be having a good hair day !