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CNM - new test.

I just got my latest test results - all clear, as expected. I used the CNM test offered by DDC. Since I have had a problem in the past with color tests from VetGen, I was reluctant to use them for any testing including their version of the CNM test. DDC has been accurate on color, so I tried them for the CNM test and was glad I didn't have to deal with the Alfort group in France. Of course, my dogs won't get on the "white list" they maintain, but the results are accepted by OFA and I always put them into LabraData anyway. For those who have considered the CNM test, it is a bit easier and cheaper than sending to France.

Re: CNM - new test.

What makes this company/test reliable? As opposed to say InGen??

Re: CNM - new test.

"What makes this company/test reliable? As opposed to say InGen?? "

I was going to ask the same question.

Re: CNM - new test.

I used the Alfort test and was pleased at the ease and convenience.

Re: Re: CNM - new test.

DDC is a well-respected DNA laboratory based here in the US. They have been doing human DNA testing for years and added a veterinary division a few years ago. One of the reasons I have grown to trust them is due to an ERROR in their testing. Back when they first started, they were using the same testing protocol as VetGen for color tests. I called and asked them if they were testing like VetGen or like HealthGene (who had a more accurate test at that time). The manager said they were using the same test as VetGen and I said there were errors on the brown gene, so I would not be using their services. He was a little put off, but said it was a free market. About 3 months later, I received an email from him admitting they had encountered some problems with identifying the brown gene and that they would be removing their test from the market until they had it worked out. It was two years before they started offering coat color testing again and have a VERY accurate set of tests for identifying brown now. I consider that to be what a reputable company does when they find a problem... they withdraw from the market until they have the problem sorted out!

They also did quite a bit of free testing for several breeders when the long-coat issue came up a year or so ago. They did determine that their long-coat test was accurate for Labradors (and all other breeds on which it has been used). I am impressed with their customer service, friendly manner and ACCURACY. When they announced the CNM test, I decided it was a bit easier and cheaper than ordering kits from France. Their disease tests are accepted by OFA. Browse through their site for the few they currently offer.

I was also told they will be offering a swab-based EIC test for a short time. Since the patent has been applied for by U of Minn, they will not be able to offer the test once the patent has been approved. THEIR EIC TEST ONLY will not be accepted by OFA due to the prior rights granted to U of Minn. For those who only want results for their own information, it should be available in April. It may be of convenience to a few breeders to get CNM and EIC as well as color testing all from one swab.

I think the U of Minn will have swab testing protocol in place fairly soon as well, so you will have a few choices for EIC testing that are not currently available.

Re: Re: Re: CNM - new test.

Are you saying that the black bitch I tested at Vetgen, might not ba a chocolate carrier after all?

Re: Re: CNM - new test.


Re: Re: Re: CNM - new test.

how about links for all three labs please?

Re: Re: CNM - new test.

So did I with no problems. Very easy and you are also put on a White List where your test clear can be verified.

Re: CNM - new test.

The Alfort CNM test results are accepted and published by OFA in addition to being published on the Alfort "White List".

Re: Re: CNM - new test.

Is this company licensed by the France group to use the CNM test? I know cost is an issue for many people but a company that violates intellectual property rights in my mind isn't someone I want to do business with.

I have had seven dogs tested via France, have had NO PROBLEMS mailing or receiving prompt results.


Re: CNM - new test.

Geeze it goes again! The Alfort Veterinary School CNM Project is WONDERFUL!!!
Why does some self appointed "expert" want to control everyone and everything?

Re: Re: Re: CNM - new test.

"Is this company licensed by the France group to use the CNM test? "

I asked OFA about that when VetGen started offering the test. I was told that there is no patent on the CNM test - in France or otherwise. The published test information is public property. That is why OFA has accepted results from both of the US companies that are now doing the test.

I have also had the test run in France, but it was a few years ago and there was a bit of a hassle in getting the kit plus mailing the swab. It sort of put me off doing any more of mine. Perhaps it is better now. I'm glad we have a couple of local options though. Everyone has to decide what is best for themselves.

Re: CNM - new test.


Re: Re: Re: Re: CNM - new test.

The errors I know about with VetGen were the other direction - they MISSED the chocolate gene on some dogs that did have it. That has been discussed a few times on this forum.

Re: CNM - new test.

I was wondering when maureen would start pushing this test...

Re: CNM - new test.

I think one of the main things that I watch for all of these DNA tests is who approves them enough to list them with their health results.

OFA didn't list the Optigen test until it was improved. It lists the EIC test from Minnesota.

I will use labs that are listed by OFA and skip those that try to get around the rules and won't be listed by them. This doesn't apply just to InGen, it applies to all labs that do it.

Re: CNM - new test.

I have used the Alfort test and it was inexpensive and relatively easy to do - I have never had any hassles with them at all. However, I have frozen semen I may want to test and having a local company that also does the testing would make that much easier to do.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CNM - new test.

uff, thanks for the input.

Re: Re: CNM - frozen semen

That is also one of the reasons I was glad to see a couple of US companies offer the test. I inquired a few years ago about having frozen semen tested by Alfort and the prep was rather complicated. I plan to have my frozen semen tested by DDC because it is much simpler. I can also have it tested for several other things at the same time, so it makes sense for ME to use them. YMMV

Frankly, I am not "pushing" any test or any tester. I just thought some people would be glad to know there were options - and that those options were ACCEPTED by OFA. I do not support InGen due to patent infringements and would not recommend ANY company that operated in violation to patent laws. The cost is not really an issue either (unless you are testing 5 or more dogs) and it is certainly worth the small difference to be on the "white list" for the field people. I only mentioned using the new test provider as general information so people would know their options

Re: CNM - new test.

Does Alfort send results to OFA automatically or do I have to do it? Is this an additional charge? TY

CNM results listing

Although you will automatically be on the Alfort "white list" if your dog is clear, OFA listing is not automatic. You have to submit the OFA form (you can find it on the OFA website) and the fee is $15. You can post your results on LabraData for free by submitting a scanned copy of the CNM results from any of the three labs currently providing the test - just like any other test.

Re: CNM - new test.

what is this test for? so many out there...very confusing

Re: Re: CNM - new test.

Centronuclear Myopathy--it is a muscle wasting disease.