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I watched the segment tonight and they are truly reporting just one biased side to our world of pure breed dogs. They said AKC would not meet them for their appointment as they had talked to other people that AKC obviously dissaporved of. (Maybe PETA and HSUS) They said the the inbreed diseases that AKC was trying to fix with millions of donated dollars was Like "Closing the Gate after the horse had bolted". Then on an on about England cancelling Crufts on TV. Not a pretty picture and quite threatening to us Lab breeders everywhere.

Re: Nightline tonight COMPETITION AT ANY COST

It sure does make us sound like terrible, horrible show breeders.

I wish they'd spend more time worrying about the poor puppy mill dogs out there. Then again...some of them think we are just as bad...locking dogs in crates so much, yadda, yadda....

Re: Re: Nightline tonight COMPETITION AT ANY COST

properly educated the Nightline reporter about all the GOOD THINGS that breeders do. To cancel an interview, and only issue a prepared statement, meant the AKC turned down a change to appear on a national network and rebut all the bad things PETA and HSUS say about breeders. What is really sad is that the reporter states in the piece that this was an arranged meeting which had been previously scheduled with the AKC. This meant the AKC had time to prepare and come up with an excellent presentation to make to the Nightline reporter. Instead they rabbited, refused to take the PRE-ARRANGED interview and made it look like we all have something to hide. If a dog in a breeding program showed the amount of timidness the AKC top brass displayed in facing this reporter, it would be dropped from a breeding program as unfit with a poor temperment. Hopefully this very public "black eye" which they allowed breeders to get, will teach the AKC administration what their stance should be next time given the opportunity to meet with the press.

Re: Nightline tonight COMPETITION AT ANY COST

This was on niteline then ? So the reporter said AKC would not come forward and speak with him? Thats not good. What nite was this on I guess I missed that show.? I wonder if its on the news on our comouters in the archives.?