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Whats the difference between Labradata and OFA? When Im researching stud dogs? Is the same kind of stuff in both? Confused about whats duplicated and whats not.

Re: Labradata

I use both. Like both. See some things on one not on the other. I sometimes tell the Stud owner what am looking to improve. Fronts, rears, topline, etc. In the notes back you get more info than you knew. Ask about workability, energy level. Some I wished I had ask this. Have gotten some nice but high energy dogs. Most familys want a nice quite pup. Same goes for to soft or reserved types. Just a suggestion from experience.

Re: Labradata

She's probably typing right now!!

Re: Labradata


Re: Re: Labradata

Oh go away. Stay out of it if you don't like it. You are a real creep.

Re: Labradata

The primary difference is that LabraData stores ANY sort of documented information (not just certifications) about a dog and it is free. It also stores data from any country or provider (like InGen). Visit the Foundation portion of the website to get an overview of the database mission and the foundation that supports it. Here is a link to some information about the sort of data stored

Re: Labradata

Labradata is way too confusing.... I'd have my dogs listed there if it were more user friendly... might want to think about that

Re: Re: Labradata

Okay. I am not buying that excuse anymore. I can't believe that. What exactly is so confusing and un-user friendly? The first menu to come up is the search menu. Then you choose how you want to search for info. Very similar to OFA. At least with LabraData you don't have to select what breed you are searching for. I have submitted quite a few dogs as have a lot of my puppy buyers. They all commented how neat it was... and easy to use. Hmmm... Maybe if people would take the time to look at and read the submission instructions, you could figure it out. It is self explanatory. Also with LabraData you don't have to mail in your submission like you do with the OFA. You can send a scanned copy.
Also, as an aside; LabraData will accept health clearance information from any source that provides documentaion. Like InGen for instance. OFA won't. SO I think it a much more versatile tool.

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Replying to:

Labradata is way too confusing.... I'd have my dogs listed there if it were more user friendly... might want to think about that

Re: Labradata

I'm sorry you don't "buy" that. It's the truth and those are my feelings. It is NOT an excuse, especially since I do all the testing and want results shown to others and believe in sharing information. Just because you find it easy and your puppy buyers do, does not mean everyone does. There can be a happy medium and it's only a suggestion as I have heard this from MANY others who say the same, they would post if it were easier to use.

Re: Re: Labradata

I don't buy it either, if I can do it anyone can figure it out. Not a big deal. Maureen or someone walked us through it once and now easy.

Re: Re: Labradata

"There can be a happy medium and it's only a suggestion as I have heard this from MANY others who say the same, they would post if it were easier to use."

Have you even TRIED the site recently? We have updated the entire database to make it easier and incorporated ALL the suggestions made by users. If you do not find it user friendly, then tell us WHY and WHAT precisely would make it easier for YOU. Vague complaints are of no value - just tell us what you want. Suggesting it is not friendly or that MANY others feel the same is of no value for improving the services. Those who have given us input DO like the new system or have made specific suggestions for improvements. You have already heard from a couple of people who say it is simple and friendly.

Spend a half-hour browsing through the site, looking at dogs, pedigrees, etc. and I think you will find that the depth and presentation of information is very useful. It may not be like other sites that you have visited in the past, but I think you will find it user friendly..... for friendly users

Re: Labradata

"What exactly is so confusing and un-user friendly?"

Devin & Mauren.... the scanning and submission format of all the information required.... well..... it's not even for the average computer user....... If it is in your opinions ....... why not have breeders copy all document's needed ...... mail them to you....... then have Labradata do the scanning........ if it is so easy? It isn't for someone not use to it..... You are use to it ....... we're not.... mostly..........

OFA is easy ..... $15.00 ea.for submitting for a few clearances is not gunna break anyone's wallet.

Why get snippy if users are telling you that it isn't easy to submit all you ask for? There has to be a way to fix the problem too many comment on. If it was fixed.......there would be many more submissions. Will it replace OFA free or not? Never...... Could it be a helpful tool if the problems about submitting a dog was...... yes..... it could be. Don't be mean to people that might be ........potential's only gunna scare them off....

Re: Re: Labradata

the scanning and submission format of all the information required.... well..... it's not even for the average computer user....... If it is in your opinions ....... why not have breeders copy all document's needed ...... mail them to you....... then have Labradata do the scanning........ if it is so easy? It isn't for someone not use to it..... You are use to it ....... we're not.... mostly..........

Read the instructions. Any data can be submitted by "snail mail" if you choose. Always has been that way, so that is not an issue and never was. Just make a CLEAN, QUALITY copy and mail it to the filemanager.

OFA is easy ..... $15.00 ea.for submitting for a few clearances is not gunna break anyone's wallet.

True... but you STILL have to copy the document. You can do the same with LabraData and you don't even have to include the check

Why get snippy if users are telling you that it isn't easy to submit all you ask for? There has to be a way to fix the problem too many comment on.

WHAT PROBLEM? So far, you have suggested that it work precisely as it always has. There is no "problem" to fix based on your own input. What would you like to change? Be specific.

Will it replace OFA free or not? Never......

Nor was it intended to do so. It is intended to store ALL or ANY document for Labradors in a searchable format. OFA does not store health data that is not "certified" by them. If your dog has seizures, there is no way to put that information into OFA. If your dog had a tumor or unusual surgery, where else can that health information be collected and compared?

Could it be a helpful tool if the problems about submitting a dog was...

Was what? So far you have not identified any problem. If you have one, then please tell us what it is. You can submit a dog by scanning the documents or copying and mailing them - and always have been able to do so. We have streamlined the submittal process to remove any data entry that is already on the registration form so that you don't have to type any extraneous information. We accept copies of ALL pedigrees - yours or others - as long as they are issued by a registry.

Those who actually use the system (or try to) seem to be happy with the process. If you have some specific suggestion to make it even easier, we would LOVE to hear it. We have done about everything we have been asked by our users - LabraData is a service for THEM and we are as responsive as possible to their requests. The sign in, screens, searches, etc. have all been updated based on USER input so that using the system is as easy and intuitive as possible. Maybe you just need to try it and find out how it really works. I think you will agree that it is pretty easy if you just follow a few simple guidelines. Any of the board members will be glad to help you if you have questions.

This is YOUR database - make it more useful by adding your input AND your dogs.