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Sidewinding puppy

I have a beautiful 8 month old puppy, he moves so nice in the yard. Put him in a collar and lead and he sidewinds.

Any method to help fix that up, or just something that comes with age?

Re: Sidewinding puppy

Just a little suggestion. I start my pups on a martingale lead. Some pups pull their head "away" from the handler and get used to moving that way on lead. The martingale seems to keep them straighter.

Re: Re: Sidewinding puppy

I guess from my horse training days I use the following lead training with my pups. It has worked for me, straight down and back in the ring.

I work them between a barrier and myself, fence if you have it, tree line, stone wall, etc. I always
turn into the pup, that gets them used to being very close to my legs and they know I will not run over them. I change it up a lot as we progress with out the barrier, turns left and right, circles large and small. I watch people work their dogs for the show ring and they just stick with the down and back.
Dog gets bored, stops paying attention to the handler and pulls against them. Watch the Labs in the ring at Westminster this year. It really makes a nice dog look bad. Good luck!

Re: Sidewinding puppy

It could be that he has more angulation in the rear right now and that drive has no where to go, but sideways.

When you practice for showing, try running him on your right and see what he does. It should make him try to keep his rear off your legs.

Have you tried moving slower?

Re: Sidewinding puppy

Try him on lead on both your left and right sides. Yes, I know you would not do that in the show ring, but agility people train for that. If your puppy is simply responding to the lead or to your body, you should see that right away.

Re: Sidewinding puppy

Gait him on a loose lea; let him find his own speed.

Re: Sidewinding puppy

Meant .... Gait him on a loose lead.....

Re: Sidewinding puppy

Slow down, loose lead, watch the topline. That usually fixes sidewinding. But speed up on the go-round to show reach and drive.

Re: Re: Sidewinding puppy

Try gaiting him on your right side instead. I've also gaited my dogs next to a school wall and switch sides...go down with dog on your left and switch hands to take dog up on your right keeping the wall next to the dog. I also practice backing up along the wall.