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Elbows again

2 1/2 year old. Just came back grade 3 DJD in one elbow. Hasn't been lame since a puppy. Would you look into any surgery, or leave well enough alone? He will be placed.

Any other thoughts?


Re: Elbows again

if never been lame why open the joint and make it worse? leave it alone until it requires more attention.
I would definitely put him on supplements to help in the future.

Re: Elbows again

JMO - leave well enough alone but let his new people know so they are aware of it and are prepared IF problems do develop down the road.

Re: Re: Elbows again

It is a bit surprising that a grade 3 has shown no signs, given that , I would wait 6 months and redo the elbow films, WITH A DIFFERENT VET . And I would never open that joint . Get some Lubrisyn now.

Re: Re: Re: Elbows again

Thanks for the info.

What kind of supplements and how much lubrisyn?

What difference has the Lubrisyn made? Have you been able to redo films and get a different result?

His gate is a little hackneyed, but no limping.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Elbows again

So sorry for your disappointment. We do have such high hopes for those we keep and it's alway so hard to accept the bad results and to place these dogs. Here's hoping he remains symptom free.

Re: Elbows again

Have used Lubrisyn for years on a few of our former race horses for DJD.
Really makes a difference

Re: Re: Elbows again

when you say he hasn't been lame since he was a puppy does that mean when he was a puppy he was lame? Is so yeah most ocd's will becoming asymptomatic if ignored but when he is older he will be very arthritic if you don't clean out the joint now. He obviously already has arthritis if it came back a grade3.

Re: Re: Re: Elbows again

What did Vet say, along with OFA score ? If bad, then find him a great home. You can redo and redo what if it comes back just a little better ? Start him on a supplement and hope he does not have pain. But would not do surgery at this point.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Elbows again

Why would you not do surgery at this point? Have you ever seen a 7yr old dog who is so lame in the front that all they want to do is sit? It is a horrible thing to watch them try and get around.I would get get an opinion from a really good orthopedic surgeon and not be asking people that really don't know about the prognosis with and without surgery.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Elbows again

They are doing total elbow replacements now with great success. You might want to contact UC Davis and find out more information. This is the option I would consider for a 2 1/2 year old dog.
I agree the Lubrisyn is a great product. Like many other arthritic medicines, it may not work for everyone but when it works, it works

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Elbows again

This boy will be evaluated. However, it appears that surgery has mixed outcomes.

I also read that Surgery and arthroscopy tend to be more successful in younger patients (less than 12 months) and in patients that have not yet developed significant arthritis.


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Replying to:

Why would you not do surgery at this point? Have you ever seen a 7yr old dog who is so lame in the front that all they want to do is sit? It is a horrible thing to watch them try and get around.I would get get an opinion from a really good orthopedic surgeon and not be asking people that really don't know about the prognosis with and without surgery.