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Puppy Food Recommendation

What puppy food do you feed your PG bitches and weaning pups?

Re: Puppy Food Recommendation

You don't want to feed your pregnant bitch the same food you feed the puppies. Too much calcium in the bitch's diet, and she'll have problems whelping. I feed Eukanuba 30/20 sporting to the pregnant bitches. Any premium large breed puppy food would do for the puppies. JMO

Re: Puppy Food Recommendation

I would say that you DO want to feed the mother the same food as the pups. BUT, NEITHER should be getting puppy food. Too much calcium and other stuff. I would feed them both a good quality adult food.

Pre-whelping...most people increase the bitch's food way too much.

Post-whelping...if it is a big litter and the bitch is losing weight even with huge amounts of food, that is when I would go to a performance food.